Given a fairly standard scenario in an application, of having a list of entities that can be added/edited/deleted etc. When I first load the page, I query the entites with breeze. All good. If I edit an entity, breeze sees this and the entity is saved AND updated in the cache, so when I return to the page with the list, the item shows any relevant changes. If I delete an entity, breeze will again save that change AND update it's cache so the entity no longer appears when I return to the list page and requery the data (locally from the cache I should point out).
However, if I add a new entity, it does not appear on the list page (assuming it satisfies the requirements of the query). I'm guessing that breeze is caching the results of a query specific to that query, rather than actually querying the cache (does that make sense)?
Assuming that is the case, is there a way of telling breeze to remove or invalidate cache items relating to a specific entity type, as opposed to clearing the cache completely? I can always avoid querying the cache and go directly to the server, but that seems a waste when I know breeze has the newly created entity in the cache, it just isn't showing it to me.
I use a single method for a lot of my queries, so it may just be the way I'm handling the local querying in that method, therefore I have included it below, in case that is the cause.
var defaultQuery = function (observable, resourceName, orderby, where, expand, forceRemote, localEntityName, localCountThreshold, page, count) {
var query = EntityQuery.from(resourceName);
if (orderby) {
query = query.orderBy(orderby);
if (page) {
query = query.skip(pageSize * (page()));
query = query.take(pageSize);
query = query.inlineCount();
if (where)
query = query.where(where);
if (expand)
query = query.expand(expand);
if (!forceRemote) {
if (localEntityName) {
query = query.toType(localEntityName);
var localResult = manager.executeQueryLocally(query);
if (localCountThreshold) {
if (localResult.length > localCountThreshold) {
return Q.resolve();
} else {
if (localResult.length > 0) {
return Q.resolve();
return query.using(manager)
.then(function (data) {
if (observable) {
if (count) {
var logMsg = 'Retrieved ' + resourceName + ' from remote data source with order by {' + orderby + '}, where clause {' + where + '} and expand properties {' + expand + '}';
if (page)
logMsg += ' for page {' + page() + '} with total record count {' + count() + '}';
log(logMsg, data, true);
Usually in questions like this, I have just misunderstood some aspect of how breeze works, so if anyone can correct me, I'd be very appreciative.
I have included the flow of actions step by step to show in more detail what I meant.
- Execute Query for all objects
- Query is executed locally first, returns nothing as no cache data exists.
- Query is then executed against the database - returns [A,B,C]
- Edit A - rename to AA - call saveChanges()
- Execute same query for all objects
- Query is executed locally first, returns [AA,B,C]
- Query skips executing against database as results have been found from cache.
- Delete B (setDeleted()) - call saveChanges()
- Execute same query for all objects
- Query is executed locally first, returns [AA,C]
- Query skips executing against database as results have been found from cache.
- Create new entity - set name to D - call saveChanges()
- Execute same query for all objects
- Query is executed locally first, returns [AA,C] (does not include new D object!)
The point I'm trying to discover is that local queries return changes saved for edits and deletes, but not for add operations. I could remove entities from the cache by using setDetached as Jay suggested, but I would need to do that for all entities of a specific type one-by-one. That could be a big process.
Update again
It appears the behaviour I saw was the result of some mistake by myself. Having double and triple checked everything as a result of Jay's assertion that the results should be there (see below), the 'added' objects are now appearing, but I honestly can't explain what I did to prevent them in the first place.