
I'm trying to help out a friend with some problems on his website, but I can't find the correct stored procedure.

I get this error:

Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e07' Conversion failed when converting the varchar value 'ST1000' to data type int. /step4.asp, line 6

On step4.asp line 6 we have this code:

fptest.execute ("opdatersalgshovedleverance_ver_1_0 '"& regnskabsnavn &"','"& brugerid &"','"& replace(request("navn"),"'","''") &"','"& replace(request("adresse"),"'","''") &"','"& replace(request("postnr"),"'","''") &"','"& replace(request("by"),"'","''") &"','"& replace(request("levering"),"'","''") &"','"& replace(request("cardnr"),"'","''") &"','"& languageid &"','" & replace(request("bemaerkning"),"'","''") & "'")

How do I find the store procedure "opdatersalgshovedleverance_ver_1_0" ?

I have access to Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, but I can't find it there.

Many thanks for your help.


1 Answers


Try using sp_helptext opdatersalgshovedleverance_ver_1_0 in the query window.

One of your input fields seems to be sending a non-numeric as a value. Check which field has an input of ST1000, and make sure you have validation against this field, and all others.