I think I'm improperly using my template but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. It's like the template linked list can't figure out that it needs to use my Term class.
theList->insert(tempPolynomial); is the line of code, located at the end of function.cpp, that causes the linker error!
Here are the exact errors from Visual Studio 2012:
error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol "bool __cdecl operator<(class Term,class LinkedList)" (??M@YA_NVTerm@@V?$LinkedList@VTerm@@@@@Z) referenced in function "public: void __thiscall LinkedList::insert(class Term)" (?insert@?$LinkedList@VTerm@@@@QAEXVTerm@@@Z) C:\Users\Michael\Documents\Magic Briefcase\champlain\courseWork\dataStructures\pa2\pa2\functions.obj
error LNK1120: 1 unresolved externals C:\Users\Michael\Documents\Magic Briefcase\champlain\courseWork\dataStructures\pa2\Debug\pa2.exe
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
#include "linkedList.h"
#include "term.h"
void loadPolynomial(string expression, LinkedList<Term> *theList);
#include "header.h"
void loadPolynomial(string expression, LinkedList<Term> *theList)
Term tempPolynomial;
string varDelimiter = "x";
string posDelimiter = "+";
string negDelimiter = "-";
string token = "";
double coefficient;
double exponent;
bool isNeg;
while(expression.length() > 0)
isNeg = false;
if(expression.substr(0, 1) == "+")
expression.erase(0, 1);
else if(expression.substr(0, 1) == "-")
isNeg = true;
expression.erase(0, 1);
//Get the coefficient
token = expression.substr(0, expression.find(varDelimiter));
//Remove the coefficient and variable from the string leaving only the exponent
expression.erase(0, expression.find(varDelimiter) + varDelimiter.length());
//Convert and put token's coeficient into a double
coefficient = atof(token.c_str());
if(isNeg = true)
coefficient = coefficient * -1;
//Put the coefficient value into the tempPolynomial
//If posDelimiter has a smaller length then it is the beginning of the next expression
if(expression.find(posDelimiter) < expression.find(negDelimiter))
//Get the exponent
token = expression.substr(0, expression.find(posDelimiter));
//Remove the exponent but leave the +
expression.erase(0, expression.find(varDelimiter));
//Convert and put token's coeficient into a double
exponent = atof(token.c_str());
//Get the exponent
token = expression.substr(0, expression.find(posDelimiter));
//Remove the exponent but leave the +
expression.erase(0, expression.find(varDelimiter));
//Convert and put token's coeficient into a double
exponent = atof(token.c_str());
//Put the exponent value into the tempPolynomial
//Intert the first term into the linked list
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
template <class T>
class LinkedList
T mData;
LinkedList<T> *mNext;
LinkedList(T data);
T getData();
LinkedList<T> *getNext();
void setData(T data);
void display();
void insert(T data);
bool isExist(T data);
void remove(T data);
friend ostream& operator<<(ostream &output, LinkedList<T> obj);
bool operator==(T right);
friend bool operator==(T left, LinkedList<T> right);
bool operator!=(T right);
friend bool operator!=(T left, LinkedList<T> right);
bool operator>(T right);
friend bool operator>(T left, LinkedList<T> right);
bool operator<(T right);
friend bool operator<(T left, LinkedList<T> right);
template <class T>
mNext = NULL;
mData = T();
template <class T>
LinkedList<T>::LinkedList(T data)
mNext = NULL;
mData = data;
template <class T>
LinkedList<T> *tempNode;
tempNode = mNext;
while(tempNode != NULL)
mNext = tempNode->mNext;
tempNode->mNext = NULL;
delete tempNode;
tempNode = mNext;
template <class T>
T LinkedList<T>::getData()
return mData;
template <class T>
LinkedList<T> *LinkedList<T>::getNext()
return mNext;
template <class T>
void LinkedList<T>::setData(T data)
mData = data;
template <class T>
void LinkedList<T>::display()
LinkedList<T> *tempNode;
tempNode = mNext;
while(tempNode != NULL)
cout << tempNode->mData << endl;
tempNode = tempNode->mNext;
template <class T>
void LinkedList<T>::insert(T data)
LinkedList<T> *previousNode;
LinkedList<T> *tempNode;
LinkedList<T> *newNode;
newNode = new LinkedList(data);
if(mNext == NULL)
mNext = newNode;
previousNode = mNext;
tempNode = mNext;
while(tempNode != NULL && tempNode->mData < data)
previousNode = tempNode;
tempNode = tempNode->mNext;
if(tempNode == mNext)
newNode->mNext = mNext;
mNext = newNode;
previousNode->mNext = newNode;
newNode->mNext = tempNode;
template <class T>
bool LinkedList<T>::isExist(T data)
LinkedList<T> *tempNode;
bool exist = false;
tempNode = mNext;
while(tempNode != NULL)
if(tempNode->mData == data)
exist = true;
tempNode = tempNode->mNext;
return exist;
template <class T>
void LinkedList<T>::remove(T data)
LinkedList<T> *tempNode;
LinkedList<T> *previousNode;
if(isExist(data) == false)
tempNode = mNext;
previousNode = mNext;
while(tempNode->mData != data)
previousNode = tempNode;
tempNode = tempNode->mNext;
if(tempNode == mNext)
mNext = tempNode->mNext;
tempNode->mNext = NULL;
if(tempNode->mNext == NULL)
previousNode->mNext = NULL;
previousNode->mNext = tempNode->mNext;
tempNode->mNext = NULL;
delete tempNode;
template <class T>
ostream& operator<<(ostream &output, LinkedList<T> obj)
output << obj.mData;
return output;
template <class T>
bool LinkedList<T>::operator==(T right)
return mData == right;
template <class T>
bool operator==(T left, LinkedList<T> right)
return left == right.mData;
template <class T>
bool LinkedList<T>::operator!=(T right)
return mData != right;
template <class T>
bool operator!=(T left, LinkedList<T> right)
return left != right.mData;
template <class T>
bool LinkedList<T>::operator>(T right)
return mData > right;
template <class T>
bool operator>(T left, LinkedList<T> right)
return left > right.mData;
template <class T>
bool LinkedList<T>::operator<(T right)
return mData < right;
template <class T>
bool operator<(T left, LinkedList<T> right)
return left < right.mData;
#ifndef TERM_H
#define TERM_H
class Term
double mCoefficient;
double mExponent;
Term(double coefficient, double exponent);
double getCoefficient();
double getExponent();
void setCoefficient(double coefficient);
void setExponent(double exponent);
bool __cdecl operator<(class Term,class LinkedList)
is not found.insert()
is the caller. I can see the decl at the bottom of the header file, so I'm now not sure why your template isn't being expanded. Ininsert()
this:tempNode->mData < data
is where it is pulled in. – WhozCraig