
Is google cloud storage badly designed; or am i missing something really obvious; or is it made for techies?

I'm not a techie.

I uploaded files to google cloud storage, and I want to download some of them to a different computer. How do I download files from there?

Are you talking about Google Cloud Storage or Google Drive? The former is for developers, the latter is for consumers.jterrace
Cloud Storage in Google Cloud ConsoleRichard

6 Answers


It seems you are having trouble downloading the files from Google Cloud Storage.

You should be able to right click on the filename when you are in Cloud Storage and click 'Save Link As' and that should allow you to download your file. That's about it.

This is what that the file front end looks like just in case you are somewhere else or referring to a different product: A file on Cloud Storage


If you have it in a bucket, you can use gsutil. Just install gsutil on your local machine (for example by installing the Google Cloud SDK) and then run something like

gsutil cp gs://my-bucket/my-file .

See this thread or lot's answer.



For example, if you uploaded foo.zip into bucket myBucket, you can download it with



Assuming you want to use the browser to download files, you should navigate to cloud.google.com/console, select the appropriate project and then "Cloud Storage" on the left. That will display a list of buckets to click on, from where the individual objects are available for download.

It's also worth noting, though, that the Cloud Console is really just a convenience; Google Cloud Storage, like other enterprise cloud solutions, is designed around API usage. Google Cloud Storage also offers the gsutil tool that makes the full functionality of these APIs available through a convenient command line interface.


The right click method didn't work for me, here is what worked:

Step 1: install gsutil on your local machine: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/gsutil_install?hl=fr

Step 2: copy files from bucket to your local machine running the command: gsutil cp [-r if repository] gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/[OBJECT_NAME] [OBJECT_DESTINATION_IN_LOCAL]


Download gcloud sdk first and then write

gsutil cp -r gs://bucketname local_folder_path

This will download entire directory