Ok, I've been trying and trying my hardest to build a simple application with the Sencha CMD tool. I've tried this with versions 4.0.7 (located on Sencha website), 4.1.0 (here), 4.1.1 (here), and 4.2.1 (Sencha website) with varying results but no success. When I issue the commands:
sencha -sdk extjs-4.0.7 generate workspace ext407
sencha -sdk extjs-4.1.0 generate workspace ext410
sencha -sdk extjs-4.1.1 generate workspace ext411
I get a directory with only the empty directory packages. As I've read the documentation, my directories should have ext and packages. When I issue sencha -sdk ext- generate workspace ext421
, I get the proper folders. However, when I take the next step:
cd ext421
sencha -sdk ext generate app ThemeDemoApp appDemo
per the Theming Guide, it appears to fail, even though I get my ext421 directory. I say it appears to fail because this is the error I get:
[INF] Loading classpath entry /var/www/html/applications/web/ext421/ext/src
/home/ec2-user/bin/Sencha/Cmd/ line 58: 19461 Killed
java $jvmArgs -jar $BASEDIR/sencha.jar "$@"
And it looks like my sass/config.rb is a bit unfinished...
cur_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
output_style = :nested
I'm running Ruby 1.9.3, Sencha CMD, and Java 1.7.0_25. I'm also on a 64-bit Amazon Linux AMI instance.
I'm so confused what the problem is... I have this working on my work laptop (Mac OSX Lion), but I cannot figure out what I'm doing wrong on my ec2 instance. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Cross posted from Sencha forums.