Is there a way to create a unique edge between two vertices on a Titan graph and confirm it can't be created again, unless deleted and recreated?
Basically I need to create:
But I keep creating multiple edges for the same relationship:
My basic addEdge query is this:
def follow(target)
grem = "g.addEdge(
g.V('id', '#{id}').next(),
g.V('id', '#{}').next(),
What I am trying to find is something like this
def follow(target)
grem = "g.addEdge(
g.V('id', '#{id}').next(),
g.V('id', '#{}').next(),
In this document there is a method called unique, but I cannot seem to get this to work on edges, only properties of vertices.
I could run a query before the create addEdge to check for an existing edge, but that seems hacky and could cause issues with a race condition.
Is it possible a method exists which I can append to addEdge which will prevent creating a duplicate edge if an edge already exists?
Or, is there a way to create a unique property label on an edge?
Here is a gremlin session of the issue:
gremlin> g.makeType().name('follows').unique(IN).makeEdgeLabel();
gremlin> u = g.addVertex([name:'brett'])
gremlin> u2 = g.addVertex([name:'brettU'])
gremlin> e = g.addEdge(u, u2, 'follows')
gremlin> e = g.addEdge(u, u2, 'follows')
An edge with the given type already exists on the in-vertex
Display stack trace? [yN]
gremlin> e = g.addEdge(u2, u, 'follows')
gremlin> u3 = g.addVertex([name:'brett3'])
gremlin> e = g.addEdge(u3, u, 'follows')
An edge with the given type already exists on the in-vertex
Display stack trace? [yN] N
gremlin> g.E
Setting up the unique(IN|BOTH|OUT) creates an issue where we can only have one follower per user. This of course would make it impossible to have a user -> follows -> [users] relationship.
Here is another example of trying to set a unique property on an edge, this fails also:
gremlin> g.makeType().name('follows_id').unique(BOTH).makeEdgeLabel();
gremlin> u = g.addVertex([name:'brett'])
gremlin> u2 = g.addVertex([name:'brett2'])
gremlin> u3 = g.addVertex([name:'brett3'])
gremlin> e = g.addEdge(u, u2, 'follows', [follows_id:'200004-20008'])
Value must be a vertex
Display stack trace? [yN] N
gremlin> g.E
gremlin> e = g.addEdge(u, u2, 'follows', [follows_id:'200004-20008'])
Value must be a vertex
Display stack trace? [yN] N
gremlin> g.E