
Attempting to use ${HOSTNAME} in a config file does not work! According to the documentation, config files should resolve environment variables as mentioned in the docs:

substitutions fall back to environment variables if they don't resolve in the config itself, so ${HOME} would work as you expect. Also, most configs have system properties merged in so you could use ${user.home}.

Is there a way to get hostname into the config file?

Add host.name=${HOSTNAME} to an application.conf file, then try and access it from anywhere. For example try adding

Logger.info(s"Hostname is ${current.configuration.getString("host.name").getOrElse("NOT-FOUND")}")

to the Global.scala.

This was run on a RHEL6 environment where echo $HOSTNAME produces precise32 so the environment variable exists, this is not the program hostname.

Did you set HOSTNAME explicitly as environment variable? "hostname" itself is a program. On which platform do you operate? How looks your application.conf and how do you retrieve the configuration setting?Schleichardt
Yes, please show us your application.conf and also where you use that in the application as well.maba
Updated question. HOSTNAME is set on the server, nothing special in application.conf besides attempting to set the host.name configuration variable.tysonjh
FWIW I just came across this same annoying discrepancy between the docs and the actual implementation. If I remember correctly this same bug was there a few years back too. Maybe the Typesafe guys has abandoned the Typesafe Config project?eirirlar

3 Answers


The solution seems to be passing in the hostname via a system property as -Dhost.name=$HOSTNAME or -Dhost.name=$(hostname). I'd imagine in windows it would be something else, but this works for *NIX environments.

Unless anyone can come up with something cleaner this will be the accepted answer.


This probably isn't working because $HOSTNAME doesn't seem to actually be an environment variable:

jamesw@T430s:~$ echo $HOSTNAME
jamesw@T430s:~$ export|grep HOSTNAME

So it must be some other special bash thing.


You should see if calling System.getenv("HOSTNAME") returns a non-null value. If not, then HOSTNAME is not an env variable according to the java runtime which is what is important for mapping that to a config property in typesafe config. I tried this with HOSTNAME and even though I could echo it in bash, it was not available in java as a env substitution. I changed it to USER and everything worked as expected.