I've got a sticky situation that I keep on running into: The need for a new instance of a controller inside a handlebars template.
Here is a brief example of my situation. (Please excuse my use of coffeecript)
In Ember, I have a model:
App.Foo = DS.Model.extend
attr: DS.attr()
Which I load from an endpoint etc.. And place into an array controller:
App.FooArray = Ember.ArrayController.extend
* Array of App.Foo
* @type {Array}
method: ->
Finally, I have an 'instance' controller for this model, which implements further methods (i.e. this is not a singleton controller as would be found at the router level, but a decorator (or proxy) that augments the model with added methods and event handlers):
App.FooController = Ember.ObjectController.extend
* Content
* @type {App.Foo}
content: null
action: ->
In handlebars, I want to iterate over items in an App.FooArray
{{#each myFooArray}}
Hi! My attr is {{attr}}
etc.. This works splendidly for parameters and such.
However, the trouble starts when I want to use actions (or other properties which would belong to a FooController)
{{#each myFooArray}}
Hi! My attr is {{attr}} <a {{action 'action'}}>Action me!</a>
Suddenly my actions are not working. That's because the action helper doesn't apply the action to 'this' but rather to a controller higher up, possibly even at the Route level!
So to work around this, I need to pass a target (i.e. a controller):
{{action 'action' target=**********}}
Well, the controller I want is an instance of App.FooController
Up until now, I've been instantiating controllers inside the model (yuck!):
App.Foo = DS.Model.extend
attr: DS.attr()
attrn: DS.attr()
myController: Ember.computed (->
content: this
and thus iterating as follows:
{{#each myFooArray}}
Hi! My attr is {{attr}} <a {{action 'action' target=myController}}>Action me!</a>
I know this is bad, but I can't think of a better way. Somebody, please help me see the light!
isn't a good idea. Are you using the ObjectProxy just to don't have singletons controllers? – Marcio JunioruserIsAdmin
etc. So it's a good pratice to not store data in the controller. The Ember.ObjectController is a controller that wrap a model, so in your template when you refenrence something like {{input type="text" value=name}}, it will first search the name property in the controller, if isn't found, it will delegate to the model. I think that is a good idea to use the Ember.ObjectController. – Marcio Junior