
i went through the article posted here Android Push Notification (GCM), is there any Daily Limit? but what i would like to clarify more is that whether there any limitations would arise based on the size of notifications.. the android app i am developing would include 1000s of notifications so would that make any probs since each notifications carry a size of around 4 kb, if yes wat else i should use.. I was going through REST for instance. TIA

Why would you need to send 1000s of notifications? Are they 1000 per user or do you just expect that several notifications will be sent to hundreds of users?npace
several notifications would be sent and along with that data from table is to be brought as in the changes made in the DB.. SO that would also add to the size right.. in my app many changes would be made daily and table sizes would be big. Would that affect based on the size(use of GCM)?user2524052
Better to send some kind of key, and on the behalf of that key you can pull data from server, every-time you receive a push.Neo

1 Answers


Yes, There is limit for (GCM). That limit is currently 100. for more details see the link heregoogle push notification(GCM)