
I ran into the problem where in Silverlight event MouseLeftButtonDown is not being fired for Button and hyperlinkButton. Looks like it is handled somewhere in the framework. How I can override this behavior

In the XAML code below When I click on the button Named Cancel, Button_MouseLeftButtonDown is not fired. I tried putting textblock within the button , MouseLeftButtonDown works when I click on the text on the button, but it is not bubbled up to the Frame

    <Button Name="Cancel" ClickMode="Release" MouseLeftButtonDown="Button_MouseLeftButtonDown">
                <TextBlock Name="CancelInnerText" MouseLeftButtonDown="TextBlock_MouseLeftButtonDown">Clone Page</TextBlock>


4 Answers


Got it to work, had to set the ClickMode="Hover" for the button. Now MouseLeftButtonDown event is firing and also bubbling


Yeah, I'm not sure what you're going for here. Is this some type of odd situation or are you just looking to have a button that fires an event when you're clicking it?

If its just a normal button you would typically use the default behavior of:

    <Button Name="Cancel" Click="Button_Click">
            <TextBlock>Clone Page</TextBlock>

You are not serious! What happens if a user touches a cancel button on a large form? Just firing what is connected to the cancel button??

The magic has to do with focus-mechanism, coming from control. It will redirect all events to the focused element (in a static class deep in the framework). And on mousebuttondown, this focus is set via base.Focus();

So: Just override MouseLeftButtonDown and set the focus and everything works fine.

Example of a control that can be placed within a button (or a button template):

public class InAction : ContentControl
    public InAction()
        this.DefaultStyleKey = typeof(InAction);
        this.MouseLeftButtonDown += new MouseButtonEventHandler(InAction_MouseLeftButtonDown);

    void InAction_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)

you can call AddHandler method for MouseLeftButtonDown event (as following) and the event will get fired in your code.

button1.AddHandler(Button.MouseLeftButtonDownEvent, new  ouseButtonEventHandler(button1_MouseLeftButtonDown), true);

private void button1_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
        // your code