
I want to add some sort of a "Write a Review" or "Rate Us" feature to my app so my customers can easily rate and review my iOS app.

My app is already on the store,

I was wondering how to do this. I want the alert to be displayed after say the app has launched 10 times if that would be possible. And how can I create an maybe later alternative which displays the alert maybe 15 launches of the app later?

After searching i found iRate example, i have imported #import "iRate.h" in my appdelegate

and i have wrote this in appdelegate,

    [iRate sharedInstance].previewMode=YES;


When i launch my app alert displays but it shows warnings in the log:

  • iRate is checking http://itunes.apple.com/US/lookup?bundleId=com.AppName to retrieve the App Store details...
  • iRate could not find the App Store ID for this application. If the application is not intended for App Store release then you must specify a custom ratingsURL.
  • iRate could not find your app on iTunes. If your app is not yet on the store or is not intended for App Store release then don't worry about this
  • iRate could not find the App Store ID for this application. If the application is not intended for App Store release then you must specify a custom ratingsURL.

How to remove this warnings and how to link my app with iTunes rating page of my app ?

Thanks in advance.


1 Answers


doing this type of rating i m used Apprirater for iOS take a Look this is very simple and easy to config and manage. From the GithubLink read Getting Started

and configure it

[Appirater setAppId:@"552035781"];//here you need to put your App id
[Appirater setDaysUntilPrompt:1];
[Appirater setUsesUntilPrompt:10];
[Appirater setSignificantEventsUntilPrompt:-1];
[Appirater setTimeBeforeReminding:2];
[Appirater setDebug:YES]; // set NO while you upload App into appstore this YES for testing

that Appear alert as par you configration like Bellow screenshot:-

enter image description here


adding This Three class in to your Project:-

enter image description here

Add the CFNetwork, SystemConfiguration, and StoreKit frameworks to your project. Be sure to change Required to Optional for StoreKit in your target's Build Phases ยป Link Binary with Libraries section.