
I tested primefaces-4.0-20130907.101718-6.jar with tomcat Server Open Source Edition 8.0 rc1 and javax.faces-2.2.3.jar. I get this exception:

java.lang.Exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: ContainerBase.addChild: start: org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException: java.lang.RuntimeException: com.sun.faces.config.ConfigurationException: Source Document: /WEB-INF/lib/primefaces-extensions-1.0.0-20130720.041214-62.jar!/META-INF/faces-config.xml Cause: Class 'org.primefaces.extensions.component.masterdetail.MasterDetailRenderer' is missing a runtime dependency: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/primefaces/component/menuitem/MenuItem

What is wrong?

Thank you

Well your missing a runtime dependency :-) Give us some more information. SO we can answer the question now we are only guessing. Do you use Maven? Did this project always work etc etcTankhenk
It seems your jars are not compatible with each other or your application.erencan

1 Answers


Clearly the extensions version you have is not compatible with PrimeFaces Core version you have.