I'm moving data in and out of dets and, I have a choice: I can either:
1) open dets immediately before accessing it and close it immediately after, or
%% Based on Armstrong, Programming Erlang, page 279
open() ->
File = ?NAMEDB,
case dets:open_file(?MODULE, [{file, File}, {keypos,2}]) of
{ok, ?MODULE} ->
io:format("dets opened:~p~n", [File]);
{error,_Reason} ->
io:format("cannot open dets table~n"),
%% Open db, get record, close db, return name
name(Record) ->
#name{honorific=Honorific, fname=FName, mname=MName, lname=LName, suffix=Suffix} = Record,
format_name([Honorific, FName, MName, LName, Suffix]).
2) link dets to a supervisor that re-opens it in event of a crash; e.g. access dets through gen-server with supervisor something like:
start_link() ->
supervisor:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, []).
start_child(Value, LeaseTime) ->
supervisor:start_child(?SERVER, [Value, LeaseTime]).
init([]) ->
Names = {lit_names, {lit_names, start_link, []},
temporary, brutal_kill, worker, [zpt_gridz_scratchpad]},
Children = [Names],
RestartStrategy = {simple_one_for_one, 0, 1},
{ok, {RestartStrategy, Children}}.
Which is best? Or is there a better choice yet?
Many thanks,