Sure it's just something I'm missing. Fairly new to the Paypal API, especially the classic one! Basically, I'm using the following code to generate a subscription to my site at £2.50 per month. I can get the subscription to appear in the Recurring Payments Dashboard on Paypal Sandbox, but it doesn't change the balance and seems to be missing things to do with the initial payment. I tried INITAMT too, which filled in some fields, but still doesn't change the Sandbox balance of my account. Any ideas guys? Here's the code:
// Set PayPal API version and credentials.
$api_version = '85.0';
$api_endpoint = '';
$api_username = 'MY_SANDBOX_USERNAME';
$api_password = 'MY_SANDBOX_PASSWORD';
$api_signature = 'MY_SANDBOX_SIGNATURE';
$startdate = gmdate('Y-m-d')."T00:00:00Z";
$request_params = array
'USER' => $api_username,
'PWD' => $api_password,
'SIGNATURE' => $api_signature,
'VERSION' => $api_version,
'METHOD' => 'CreateRecurringPaymentsProfile',
'PROFILESTARTDATE' => $startdate,
'DESC' => 'Membership',
'AMT' => '2.50',
'ACCT' => '4641631486853053',
'CVV2' => '123',
'FIRSTNAME' => 'James',
'LASTNAME' => 'Smith',
'STREET' => 'FirstStreet',
'CITY' => 'London',
'STATE' => 'G London',
'ZIP' => 'W2 1NE',
'EXPDATE' => '052015'
// Loop through $request_params array to generate the NVP string.
$nvp_string = '';
foreach($request_params as $var=>$val)
$nvp_string .= '&'.$var.'='.urlencode($val);
// Send NVP string to PayPal and store response
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_URL, $api_endpoint);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $nvp_string);
$result = curl_exec($curl);
$nvp_response_array = parse_str($result);