I have installed the Pre-Release version of Mac OSX Mavericks(10.9). My application contains
NSUserDefaults *preferences = [[NSUserDefaults standardUserDefaults] retain];
[preferences setInteger:[_lblSetValue integerValue] forKey:@"execute"];
[defaults synchronize];
As NSUserDefauls Store its value in the Plist File at Library -> Preferences -> appbundlename.plist .. If I changed the value in the Plist File.. and again starts the application and access the value by:
id abc = [preferences valueForKey:@"execute"];
then It gives me the previous value not the finally changed value. As I check it again in the Plist file the changes value is saved.
Like Initially I have set the value 1234 for key execute and then stopes the application and changed the value in the Plist file at it Path Library -> Preferences -> appbundlename.plist to 1000, and starts the application again and access its value by
id abc = [preferences valueForKey:@"execute"];
it gives me 1234 not 1000. Then.. The Question is.. From where the value is accessed if the changed value is not taken by the method valueForKey.?
I need to get the changed value of the Plist. As it give me right value in Loin/Mountain Loin but not in mavericks.
Please help.