I have an array list to show in a p:dialog and this list was changed when i click on command Button. Then I want to know how i can show the content of list for each change during excution of method in managed bean??
Synchronization between the iterative process in the managed bean and (DataList/progressbar) in a DialogBox.
<h:body><h:define name="dialogBox"><p:dialog id="genDialog" header="Opération de génération" modal="true" widgetVar="dlg1">
<h:outputText value="le traitement de la génération est en cours..." />
<p:dataList id="sitesDataList" value="#{generationBean.generatedSites}" var="siteStatus" itemType="square" >
#{siteStatus.site} ---------------> #{siteStatus.status}
</h:define >
`<h:form id="form1" > <h:panelGrid columns="2" id="panButton">` <p:commandButton id="genbutton" style="margin-left: 930px" value="#{generationBean.labelBoutonGen}" immediate="true" global="false" onstart="dlg1.show()"
actionListener="#{generationBean.genererDPT}" rendered="#{ generationBean.selectedRegion ne 'choix'}" update="sitesDataList">
</h:panelGrid > </h:form>`
I'm running primefaces 3.5 in glassfish server