I am unable to update my Worklight studio 5.0.6 to 6.0.0. I downloaded V6.0.0 Interim Fix (IF) 201307011413 from the IBM website and I tried to update the software using Eclipse's Software Update. The compressed file I tried to install is However I am getting the following errors.
Cannot complete the install because one or more required items could not be found.
Software being installed: jQuery Web Tools 1.0.100.v20130523_1421 (com.ibm.webtools.jquery.feature.feature.group 1.0.100.v20130523_1421)
Missing requirement: Mobile Patterns 1.0.0.v20130508_1207 (com.ibm.etools.rpe.mobile.patterns 1.0.0.v20130508_1207) requires 'bundle org.eclipse.ui [3.104.0,4.0.0)' but it could not be found
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: Rich Page Editor - jQuery extensions 2.0.0.v20130523_1421 (com.ibm.etools.rpe.jquery 2.0.0.v20130523_1421)
To: bundle com.ibm.etools.rpe.mobile.patterns [1.0.0,2.0.0)
Cannot satisfy dependency:
From: jQuery Web Tools 1.0.100.v20130523_1421 (com.ibm.webtools.jquery.feature.feature.group 1.0.100.v20130523_1421)
To: com.ibm.etools.rpe.jquery [2.0.0.v20130523_1421]
Can someone help me how do I upgrade Worklight studio 5.0.6 to Worklight studio 6.0.0. The following link is the documentation on how to upgrade, it didn't help me though. http://pic.dhe.ibm.com/infocenter/wrklight/v6r0m0/index.jsp The above method failed and I also tried to copy the plugins and features unzipping the update file, and that didn't help either.