I have been learning flask/ python from this tutorial http://blog.miguelgrinberg.com/post/the-flask-mega-tutorial-part-i-hello-world
This blog is pretty good and it explain very well. In the first tutorial, if you notice, he asks us to create a init.py file, a views.py file and a main run.py file.
I created the two files. He asks us to create a run.py file and put it in the root file. then
chmod a+x run.py
It says the file does not exist. If I,
python run.py
It says App module not defined. I cannot figure out the problem, I put the run.py file in all the files, it doesnt not work what so ever.
I will also include the code so that it would be easier to answer instead of going to the above link
from flask import Flask app = Flask(__name__) from app import views
from app import app @app.route('/') @app.route('/index') def index(): return 'Hello world'
from app import app
app.run(debug = True)
My questions:
Where should I put the run.py file?
Why are we creating different files? Why cant all of them be in one full file?
init.py -->
- he is importing flask which is normal. then assigning app = (name). why is that? Then why is he importing views from apps?
views.py -->
- from app import app? is app an existing module here or the one we
just created? what does
Can some one put the code together and explain it?