I am creating an Ember application as an add-on to some HTML returned from the server. I need this HTML so that the site can be indexed by search engines, and also to speed up the initial page rendering for the users.
So my application consists of several Ember Views, appended to different DOM elements of the HTML generated by the server. I don't use master templates for routes, so I set renderTemplate function of each route to do nothing.
My Ember App is bound to body element and I can successfully append a custom view to an element down the tree. It works:
In this JSFiddle three last elements of the list are appended by Ember
But when I try to use linkTo helper in my template, I hit an error:
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'container' of null ember-latest.js:32224
which is in this function:
router: Ember.computed(function() {
return get(this, 'controller').container.lookup('router:main');
In this JS fiddle I just add linkTo to the template, and it breaks everything
- In general, can Ember work this way - having many Views scattered over the HTML rendered by the server?
- How can the example code be fixed?