I am newbie to Ratchet and Symfony both. I am trying to get familiar with them. I have used alternative to sessions which is quite weird but works. Here's it:
In JS (a native PHP session)
name = "<?php echo $_SESSION['name']; ?>";
msg = elem.value;
The sent argument is then explode
with delimiter |
. It creates two strings. One is the name and other is msg which is then sent to all connections except the sender.
list($name, $message) = explode("|", $msg);
How can I use Symfony Session which saves nickname when user enters it and it will be accessible by my Chat class in MyApp namespace?
I have API docs but there is no simple example for using session. API Documentation
| |
| |____/MyApp/
| |
| |___Chat.php // The Chat Class
| |
| |___chat-server.php
|___/chat.php // <-- Chat Room, sending and receiving here
|___/index.php // <-- Ask for nickname here
|___/main.js // <-- Index HTML javascript
|___/socket.js // <-- Websocket handler for char.php
|___/main.css // <-- All style