
I am googling the question for past hour, but there are only points to Taylor Series or some sample code that is either too slow or does not compile at all. Well, most answer I've found over Google is "Google it, it's already asked", but sadly it's not...

I am profiling my game on low-end Pentium 4 and found out that ~85% of execution time is wasted on calculating sinus, cosinus and square root (from standard C++ library in Visual Studio), and this seems to be heavily CPU dependent (on my I7 the same functions got only 5% of execution time, and the game is waaaaaaaaaay faster). I cannot optimize this three functions out, nor calculate both sine and cosine in one pass (there interdependent), but I don't need too accurate results for my simulation, so I can live with faster approximation.

So, the question: What are the fastest way to calculate sine, cosine and square root for float in C++?

EDIT Lookup table are more painful as resulting Cache Miss is way more costly on modern CPU than Taylor Series. The CPUs are just so fast these days, and cache is not.

I made a mistake, I though that I need to calculate several factorials for Taylor Series, and I see now they can be implemented as constants.

So the updated question: is there any speedy optimization for square root as well?


I am using square root to calculate distance, not normalization - can't use fast inverse square root algorithm (as pointed in comment: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_inverse_square_root


I also cannot operate on squared distances, I need exact distance for calculations

For the inverse square root (which is common, since it is involved in vector normalization), there is a well known formula (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fast_inverse_square_root), but honestly it is a bit outdated, and probably 1.0/sqrt(x) will enable some compiler optimization.sbabbi
have a look at this for sine and cosine: devmaster.net/forums/topic/4648-fast-and-accurate-sinecosineuser2366842
How about dectecting the CPU and using a native instruction on a modern processor with a lookup table or other optimized code on older machines.drescherjm
When asking this kind of question, you need to specify your conditions much more precisely. Do you have any information on the distribution of the numbers for which you'll have to compute sin/cos/sqrt (say they are all close to 0)? Do you have specific constraints on the precision (say, does sin(0) absolutely have to be 0)? etc. Any extra information gives a way to improve the solution.Marc Glisse

18 Answers


The fastest way is to pre-compute values an use a table like in this example:

Create sine lookup table in C++

BUT if you insist upon computing at runtime you can use the Taylor series expansion of sine or cosine...

Taylor Series of sine

For more on the Taylor series... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Taylor_series

One of the keys to getting this to work well is pre-computing the factorials and truncating at a sensible number of terms. The factorials grow in the denominator very quickly, so you don't need to carry more than a few terms.

Also...Don't multiply your x^n from the start each time...e.g. multiply x^3 by x another two times, then that by another two to compute the exponents.


Here's the guaranteed fastest possible sine function in C++:

double FastSin(double x)
    return 0;

Oh, you wanted better accuracy than |1.0|? Well, here is a sine function that is similarly fast:

double FastSin(double x)
    return x;

This answer actually does not suck, when x is close to zero. For small x, sin(x) is approximately equal to x, because x is the first term of the Taylor expansion of sin(x).

What, still not accurate enough for you? Well read on.

Engineers in the 1970s made some fantastic discoveries in this field, but new programmers are simply unaware that these methods exist, because they're not taught as part of standard computer science curricula.

You need to start by understanding that there is no "perfect" implementation of these functions for all applications. Therefore, superficial answers to questions like "which one is fastest" are guaranteed to be wrong.

Most people who ask this question don't understand the importance of the tradeoffs between performance and accuracy. In particular, you are going to have to make some choices regarding the accuracy of the calculations before you do anything else. How much error can you tolerate in the result? 10^-4? 10^-16?

Unless you can quantify the error in any method, don't use it. See all those random answers below mine, that post a bunch of random uncommented source code, without clearly documenting the algorithm used and its exact maximum error across the input range? "The error is approximately sort of mumble mumble I would guess." That's strictly bush league. If you don't know how to calculate the PRECISE maximum error, to FULL precision, in your approximation function, across the ENTIRE range of the inputs... then you don't know how to write an approximation function!

No one uses the Taylor series alone to approximate transcendentals in software. Except for certain highly specific cases, Taylor series generally approach the target slowly across common input ranges.

The algorithms that your grandparents used to calculate transcendentals efficiently, are collectively referred to as CORDIC and were simple enough to be implemented in hardware. Here is a well documented CORDIC implementation in C. CORDIC implementations, usually, require a very small lookup table, but most implementations don't even require that a hardware multiplier be available. Most CORDIC implementations let you trade off performance for accuracy, including the one I linked.

There's been a lot of incremental improvements to the original CORDIC algorithms over the years. For example, last year some researchers in Japan published an article on an improved CORDIC with better rotation angles, which reduces the operations required.

If you have hardware multipliers sitting around (and you almost certainly do), or if you can't afford a lookup table like CORDIC requires, you can always use a Chebyshev polynomial to do the same thing. Chebyshev polynomials require multiplies, but this is rarely a problem on modern hardware. We like Chebyshev polynomials because they have highly predictable maximum errors for a given approximation. The maximum of the last term in a Chebyshev polynomial, across your input range, bounds the error in the result. And this error gets smaller as the number of terms gets larger. Here's one example of a Chebyshev polynomial giving a sine approximation across a huge range, ignoring the natural symmetry of the sine function and just solving the approximation problem by throwing more coefficients at it. And here's an example of estimating a sine function to within 5 ULPs. Don't know what an ULP is? You should.

We also like Chebyshev polynomials because the error in the approximation is equally distributed across the range of outputs. If you're writing audio plugins or doing digital signal processing, Chebyshev polynomials give you a cheap and predictable dithering effect "for free."

If you want to find your own Chebyshev polynomial coefficients across a specific range, many math libraries call the process of finding those coefficients "Chebyshev fit" or something like that.

Square roots, then as now, are usually calculated with some variant of the Newton-Raphson algorithm, usually with a fixed number of iterations. Usually, when someone cranks out an "amazing new" algorithm for doing square roots, it's merely Newton-Raphson in disguise.

Newton-Raphson, CORDIC, and Chebyshev polynomials let you trade off speed for accuracy, so the answer can be just as imprecise as you want.

Lastly, when you've finished all your fancy benchmarking and micro-optimization, make sure that your "fast" version is actually faster than the library version. Here is a typical library implementation of fsin() bounded on the domain from -pi/4 to pi/4. And it just ain't that damned slow.

One last caution to you: you're almost certainly using IEEE-754 math to perform your estimations, and anytime you're performing IEEE-754 math with a bunch of multiplies, then some obscure engineering decisions made decades ago will come back to haunt you, in the form of roundoff errors. And those errors start small, but they get bigger, and Bigger, and BIGGER! At some point in your life, please read "What every computer scientist should know about floating point numbers" and have the appropriate amount of fear. Keep in mind that if you start writing your own transcendental functions, you'll need to benchmark and measure the ACTUAL error due to floating-point roundoff, not just the maximum theoretical error. This is not a theoretical concern; "fast math" compilation settings have bit me in the butt, on more than one project.

tl:dr; go google "sine approximation" or "cosine approximation" or "square root approximation" or "approximation theory."


First, the Taylor series is NOT the best/fastest way to implement sine/cos. It is also not the way professional libraries implement these trigonometric functions, and knowing the best numerical implementation allows you to tweak the accuracy to get speed more efficiently. In addition, this problem has already been extensively discussed in StackOverflow. Here is just one example.

Second, the big difference you see between old/new PCS is due to the fact that modern Intel architecture has explicit assembly code to calculate elementary trigonometric functions. It is quite hard to beat them on execution speed.

Finally, let's talk about the code on your old PC. Check gsl gnu scientific library (or numerical recipes) implementation, and you will see that they basically use Chebyshev Approximation Formula.

Chebyshev approximation converges faster, so you need to evaluate fewer terms. I won't write implementation details here because there are already very nice answers posted on StackOverflow. Check this one for example . Just tweak the number of terms on this series to change the balance between accuracy/speed.

For this kind of problem, if you want implementation details of some special function or numerical method, you should take a look on GSL code before any further action - GSL is THE STANDARD numerical library.

EDIT: you may improve the execution time by including aggressive floating point optimization flags in gcc/icc. This will decrease the precision, but it seems that is exactly what you want.

EDIT2: You can try to make a coarse sin grid and use gsl routine (gsl_interp_cspline_periodic for spline with periodic conditions) to spline that table (the spline will reduce the errors in comparison to a linear interpolation => you need less points on your table => less cache miss)!


Based on the idea of http://forum.devmaster.net/t/fast-and-accurate-sine-cosine/9648 and some manual rewriting to improve the performance in a micro benchmark I ended up with the following cosine implementation which is used in a HPC physics simulation that is bottlenecked by repeated cos calls on a large number space. It's accurate enough and much faster than a lookup table, most notably no division is required.

template<typename T>
inline T cos(T x) noexcept
    constexpr T tp = 1./(2.*M_PI);
    x *= tp;
    x -= T(.25) + std::floor(x + T(.25));
    x *= T(16.) * (std::abs(x) - T(.5));
    x += T(.225) * x * (std::abs(x) - T(1.));
    return x;

The Intel compiler at least is also smart enough in vectorizing this function when used in a loop.

If EXTRA_PRECISION is defined, the maximum error is about 0.00109 for the range -π to π, assuming T is double as it's usually defined in most C++ implementations. Otherwise, the maximum error is about 0.056 for the same range.


For square root, there is an approach called bit shift.

A float number defined by IEEE-754 is using some certain bit represent describe times of multiple based 2. Some bits are for represent the base value.

float squareRoot(float x)
  unsigned int i = *(unsigned int*) &x;

  // adjust bias
  i  += 127 << 23;
  // approximation of square root
  i >>= 1;

  return *(float*) &i;

That's a constant time calculating the squar root


For x86, the hardware FP square root instructions are fast (sqrtss is sqrt Scalar Single-precision). Single precision is faster than double-precision, so definitely use float instead of double for code where you can afford to use less precision.

For 32bit code, you usually need compiler options to get it to do FP math with SSE instructions, rather than x87. (e.g. -mfpmath=sse)

To get C's sqrt() or sqrtf() functions to inline as just sqrtsd or sqrtss, you need to compile with -fno-math-errno. Having math functions set errno on NaN is generally considered a design mistake, but the standard requires it. Without that option, gcc inlines it but then does a compare+branch to see if the result was NaN, and if so calls the library function so it can set errno. If your program doesn't check errno after math functions, there is no danger in using -fno-math-errno.

You don't need any of the "unsafe" parts of -ffast-math to get sqrt and some other functions to inline better or at all, but -ffast-math can make a big difference (e.g. allowing the compiler to auto-vectorize in cases where that changes the result, because FP math isn't associative.

e.g. with gcc6.3 compiling float foo(float a){ return sqrtf(a); }

foo:    # with -O3 -fno-math-errno.
    sqrtss  xmm0, xmm0

foo:   # with just -O3
    pxor    xmm2, xmm2   # clang just checks for NaN, instead of comparing against zero.
    sqrtss  xmm1, xmm0
    ucomiss xmm2, xmm0
    ja      .L8          # take the slow path if 0.0 > a
    movaps  xmm0, xmm1

.L8:                     # errno-setting path
    sub     rsp, 24
    movss   DWORD PTR [rsp+12], xmm1   # store the sqrtss result because the x86-64 SysV ABI has no call-preserved xmm regs.
    call    sqrtf                      # call sqrtf just to set errno
    movss   xmm1, DWORD PTR [rsp+12]
    add     rsp, 24
    movaps  xmm0, xmm1    # extra mov because gcc reloaded into the wrong register.

gcc's code for the NaN case seems way over-complicated; it doesn't even use the sqrtf return value! Anyway, this is the kind of mess you actually get without -fno-math-errno, for every sqrtf() call site in your program. Mostly it's just code-bloat, and none of the .L8 block will ever run when taking the sqrt of a number >= 0.0, but there's still several extra instructions in the fast path.

If you know that your input to sqrt is non-zero, you can use the fast but very approximate reciprocal sqrt instruction, rsqrtps (or rsqrtss for the scalar version). One Newton-Raphson iteration brings it up to nearly the same precision as the hardware single-precision sqrt instruction, but not quite.

sqrt(x) = x * 1/sqrt(x), for x!=0, so you can calculate a sqrt with rsqrt and a multiply. These are both fast, even on P4 (was that still relevant in 2013)?

On P4, it may be worth using rsqrt + Newton iteration to replace a single sqrt, even if you don't need to divide anything by it.

See also an answer I wrote recently about handling zeroes when calculating sqrt(x) as x*rsqrt(x), with a Newton Iteration. I included some discussion of rounding error if you want to convert the FP value to an integer, and links to other relevant questions.


  • sqrtss: 23c latency, not pipelined
  • sqrtsd: 38c latency, not pipelined
  • fsqrt (x87): 43c latency, not pipelined
  • rsqrtss / mulss: 4c + 6c latency. Possibly one per 3c throughput, since they apparently don't need the same execution unit (mmx vs. fp).

  • SIMD packed versions are somewhat slower


  • sqrtss/sqrtps: 12c latency, one per 3c throughput
  • sqrtsd/sqrtpd: 15-16c latency, one per 4-6c throughput
  • fsqrt (x87): 14-21cc latency, one per 4-7c throughput
  • rsqrtss / mulss: 4c + 4c latency. One per 1c throughput.
  • SIMD 128b vector versions are the same speed. 256b vector versions are a bit higher latency, almost half throughput. The rsqrtss version has full performance for 256b vectors.

With a Newton Iteration, the rsqrt version is not much if at all faster.

Numbers from Agner Fog's experimental testing. See his microarch guides to understand what makes code run fast or slow. Also see links at the tag wiki.

IDK how best to calculate sin/cos. I've read that the hardware fsin / fcos (and the only slightly slower fsincos that does both at once) are not the fastest way, but IDK what is.


QT has fast implementations of sine (qFastSin) and cosine (qFastCos) that uses look up table with interpolation. I'm using it in my code and they are faster than std:sin/cos and precise enough for what I need:


#define QT_SINE_TABLE_SIZE 256

inline qreal qFastSin(qreal x)
   int si = int(x * (0.5 * QT_SINE_TABLE_SIZE / M_PI)); // Would be more accurate with qRound, but slower.
   qreal d = x - si * (2.0 * M_PI / QT_SINE_TABLE_SIZE);
   int ci = si + QT_SINE_TABLE_SIZE / 4;
   si &= QT_SINE_TABLE_SIZE - 1;
   ci &= QT_SINE_TABLE_SIZE - 1;
   return qt_sine_table[si] + (qt_sine_table[ci] - 0.5 * qt_sine_table[si] * d) * d;

inline qreal qFastCos(qreal x)
   int ci = int(x * (0.5 * QT_SINE_TABLE_SIZE / M_PI)); // Would be more accurate with qRound, but slower.
   qreal d = x - ci * (2.0 * M_PI / QT_SINE_TABLE_SIZE);
   int si = ci + QT_SINE_TABLE_SIZE / 4;
   si &= QT_SINE_TABLE_SIZE - 1;
   ci &= QT_SINE_TABLE_SIZE - 1;
   return qt_sine_table[si] - (qt_sine_table[ci] + 0.5 * qt_sine_table[si] * d) * d;

The LUT and license can be found here: https://code.woboq.org/qt5/qtbase/src/corelib/kernel/qmath.cpp.html#qt_sine_table

These pair of functions take radian inputs. The LUT covers the entire 2π input range. The function interpolates between values using the difference d, using the cosine (with a similar interpolation using sine again) as the derivative.


Sharing my code, it's a 6th degree polynomial, nothing special but rearranged to avoid pows. On Core i7 this is 2.3 times slower than standard implementation, although a bit faster for [0..2*PI] range. For an old processor this could be an alternative to standard sin/cos.

    On [-1000..+1000] range with 0.001 step average error is: +/- 0.000011, max error: +/- 0.000060
    On [-100..+100] range with 0.001 step average error is:   +/- 0.000009, max error: +/- 0.000034
    On [-10..+10] range with 0.001 step average error is:     +/- 0.000009, max error: +/- 0.000030
    Error distribution ensures there's no discontinuity.

const double PI          = 3.141592653589793;
const double HALF_PI     = 1.570796326794897;
const double DOUBLE_PI   = 6.283185307179586;
const double SIN_CURVE_A = 0.0415896;
const double SIN_CURVE_B = 0.00129810625032;

double cos1(double x) {
    if (x < 0) {
        int q = -x / DOUBLE_PI;
        q += 1;
        double y = q * DOUBLE_PI;
        x = -(x - y);
    if (x >= DOUBLE_PI) {
        int q = x / DOUBLE_PI;
        double y = q * DOUBLE_PI;
        x = x - y;
    int s = 1;
    if (x >= PI) {
        s = -1;
        x -= PI;
    if (x > HALF_PI) {
        x = PI - x;
        s = -s;
    double z = x * x;
    double r = z * (z * (SIN_CURVE_A - SIN_CURVE_B * z) - 0.5) + 1.0;
    if (r > 1.0) r = r - 2.0;
    if (s > 0) return r;
    else return -r;

double sin1(double x) {
    return cos1(x - HALF_PI);

This is an implementation of Taylor Series method previously given in akellehe's answer.

unsigned int Math::SIN_LOOP = 15;
unsigned int Math::COS_LOOP = 15;

// sin(x) = x - x^3/3! + x^5/5! - x^7/7! + ...
template <class T>
T Math::sin(T x)
    T Sum       = 0;
    T Power     = x;
    T Sign      = 1;
    const T x2  = x * x;
    T Fact      = 1.0;
    for (unsigned int i=1; i<SIN_LOOP; i+=2)
        Sum     += Sign * Power / Fact;
        Power   *= x2;
        Fact    *= (i + 1) * (i + 2);
        Sign    *= -1.0;
    return Sum;

// cos(x) = 1 - x^2/2! + x^4/4! - x^6/6! + ...
template <class T>
T Math::cos(T x)
    T Sum       = x;
    T Power     = x;
    T Sign      = 1.0;
    const T x2  = x * x;
    T Fact      = 1.0;
    for (unsigned int i=3; i<COS_LOOP; i+=2)
        Power   *= x2;
        Fact    *= i * (i - 1);
        Sign    *= -1.0;
        Sum     += Sign * Power / Fact;
    return Sum;

I use the following CORDIC code to compute trigonometric functions in quadruple precision. The constant N determines the number of bits of precision required (for example N=26 will give single precision accuracy). Depending on desired accuracy, the precomputed storage can be small and will fit in the cache. It only requires addition and multiplication operations and is also very easy to vectorize.

The algorithm pre-computes sin and cos values for 0.5^i, i=1,...,N. Then, we can combine these precomputed values, to compute sin and cos for any angle up to a resolution of 0.5^N

template <class QuadReal_t>
QuadReal_t sin(const QuadReal_t a){
  const int N=128;
  static std::vector<QuadReal_t> theta;
  static std::vector<QuadReal_t> sinval;
  static std::vector<QuadReal_t> cosval;
    #pragma omp critical (QUAD_SIN)

      QuadReal_t t=1.0;
      for(int i=0;i<N;i++){

      for(int i=N-2;i>=0;i--){

  QuadReal_t t=(a<0.0?-a:a);
  QuadReal_t sval=0.0;
  QuadReal_t cval=1.0;
  for(int i=0;i<N;i++){
      QuadReal_t sval_=sval*cosval[i]+cval*sinval[i];
      QuadReal_t cval_=cval*cosval[i]-sval*sinval[i];
  return (a<0.0?-sval:sval);

I tried millianw's answer and it gave me a 4.5x speedup, so that's awesome.

However, the original article that millianw links to computes a sine, not a cosine, and it does it somewhat differently. (It looks simpler.)

Predictably, after 15 years the URL of that article (http://forum.devmaster.net/t/fast-and-accurate-sine-cosine/9648) gives a 404 today, so I fetched it via archive.org and I am adding it here for posterity.

Unfortunately, even though the article contains several images, only the first 2 were stored by archive.org. Also, the profile page of the author (http://forum.devmaster.net/users/Nick) was not stored, so I guess we will never know who Nick is.


Fast and accurate sine/cosine

Nick Apr '06

Hi all,

In some situations you need a good approximation of sine and cosine that runs at very high performance. One example is to implement dynamic subdivision of round surfaces, comparable to those in Quake 3. Or to implement wave motion, in case there are no vertex shaders 2.0 available.

The standard C sinf() and cosf() functions are terribly slow and offer much more precision than what we actually need. What we really want is an approximation that offers the best compromise between precision and performance. The most well known approximation method is to use a Taylor series about 0 (also known as a Maclaurin series), which for sine becomes:

x - 1/6 x^3 + 1/120 x^5 - 1/5040 x^7 + ...

When we plot this we get: taylor.gif.


The green line is the real sine, the red line is the first four terms of the Taylor series. This seems like an acceptable approximation, but lets have a closer look: taylor_zoom.gif.


It behaves very nicely up till pi/2, but after that it quickly deviates. At pi, it evaluates to -0.075 instead of 0. Using this for wave simulation will result in jerky motion which is unacceptable.

We could add another term, which in fact reduces the error significantly, but this makes the formula pretty lengthy. We already need 7 multiplications and 3 additions for the 4-term version. The taylor series just can't give us the precision and performance we're looking for.

We did however note that we need sine(pi) = 0. And there's another thing we can see from taylor_zoom.gif: this looks very much like a parabola! So let's try to find the formula of a parabola that matches it as closely as possible. The generic formula for a parabola is A + B x + C x\^2. So this gives us three degrees of freedom. Obvious choises are that we want sine(0) = 0, sine(pi/2) = 1 and sine(pi) = 0. This gives us the following three equations:

A + B 0 + C 0^2 = 0
A + B pi/2 + C (pi/2)^2 = 1
A + B pi + C pi^2 = 0

Which has as solution A = 0, B = 4/pi, C = -4/pi\^2. So our parabola approximation becomes 4/pi x - 4/pi\^2 x\^2. Plotting this we get: parabola.gif. This looks worse than the 4-term Taylor series, right? Wrong! The maximum absolute error is 0.056. Furthermore, this approximation will give us smooth wave motion, and can be calculated in only 3 multiplications and 1 addition!

Unfortunately it's not very practical yet. This is what we get in the [-pi, pi] range: negative.gif. It's quite obvious we want at least a full period. But it's also clear that it's just another parabola, mirrored around the origin. The formula for it is 4/pi x + 4/pi\^2 x\^2. So the straightforward (pseudo-C) solution is:

if(x > 0)
    y = 4/pi x - 4/pi^2 x^2;
    y = 4/pi x + 4/pi^2 x^2;

Adding a branch is not a good idea though. It makes the code significantly slower. But look at how similar the two parts really are. A subtraction becomes an addition depending on the sign of x. In a naive first attempt to eliminate the branch we can 'extract' the sign of x using x / abs(x). The division is very expensive but look at the resulting formula: 4/pi x - x / abs(x) 4/pi\^2 x\^2. By inverting the division we can simplify this to a very nice and clean 4/pi x - 4/pi\^2 x abs(x). So for just one extra operation we get both halves of our sine approximation! Here's the graph of this formula confirming the result: abs.gif.

Now let's look at cosine. Basic trigonometry tells us that cosine(x) = sine(pi/2 + x). Is that all, add pi/2 to x? No, we actually get the unwanted part of the parabola again: shift_sine.gif. What we need to do is 'wrap around' when x > pi/2. This can be done by subtracting 2 pi. So the code becomes:

x += pi/2;

if(x > pi)   // Original x > pi/2
    x -= 2 * pi;   // Wrap: cos(x) = cos(x - 2 pi)

y = sine(x);

Yet another branch. To eliminate it, we can use binary logic, like this:

x -= (x > pi) & (2 * pi);

Note that this isn't valid C code at all. But it should clarify how this can work. When x > pi is false the & operation zeroes the right hand part so the subtraction does nothing, which is perfectly equivalent. I'll leave it as an excercise to the reader to create working C code for this (or just read on). Clearly the cosine requires a few more operations than the sine but there doesn't seem to be any other way and it's still extremely fast.

Now, a maximum error of 0.056 is nice but clearly the 4-term Taylor series still has a smaller error on average. Recall what our sine looked like: abs.gif. So isn't there anything we can do to further increase precision at minimal cost? Of course the current version is already applicable for many situations where something that looks like a sine is just as good as the real sine. But for other situations that's just not good enough.

Looking at the graphs you'll notice that our approximation always overestimates the real sine, except at 0, pi/2 and pi. So what we need is to 'scale it down' without touching these important points. The solution is to use the squared parabola, which looks like this: squared.gif. Note how it preserves those important points but it's always lower than the real sine. So we can use a weighted average of the two to get a better approximation:

Q (4/pi x - 4/pi^2 x^2) + P (4/pi x - 4/pi^2 x^2)^2

With Q + P = 1. You can use exact minimization of either the absolute or relative error but I'll save you the math. The optimal weights are Q = 0.775, P = 0.225 for the absolute error and Q = 0.782, P = 0.218 for the relative error. I will use the former. The resulting graph is: average.gif. Where did the red line go? It's almost entirely covered by the green line, which instantly shows how good this approximation really is. The maximum error is about 0.001, a 50x improvement! The formula looks lengthy but the part between parenthesis is the same value from the parabola, which needs to be computed only once. In fact only 2 extra multiplications and 2 additions are required to achieve this precision boost.

It shouldn't come as a big surprise that to make it work for negative x as well we need a second abs() operation. The final C code for the sine becomes:

float sine(float x)
    const float B = 4/pi;
    const float C = -4/(pi*pi);

    float y = B * x + C * x * abs(x);

    //  const float Q = 0.775;
        const float P = 0.225;

        y = P * (y * abs(y) - y) + y;   // Q * y + P * y * abs(y)

So we need merely 5 multiplications and 3 additions; still faster than the 4-term Taylor if we neglect the abs(), and much more precise! The cosine version just needs the extra shift and wrap operations on x.

Last but not least, I wouldn't be Nick if I didn't include the SIMD optimized assembly version. It allows to perform the wrap operation very efficiently so I'll give you the cosine:

// cos(x) = sin(x + pi/2)
addps xmm0, PI_2
movaps xmm1, xmm0
cmpnltps xmm1, PI
andps xmm1, PIx2
subps xmm0, xmm1

// Parabola
movaps xmm1, xmm0
andps xmm1, abs
mulps xmm1, xmm0
mulps xmm0, B
mulps xmm1, C
addps xmm0, xmm1

// Extra precision
movaps xmm1, xmm0
andps xmm1, abs
mulps xmm1, xmm0
subps xmm1, xmm0
mulps xmm1, P
addps xmm0, xmm1

This code computes four cosines in parallel, resulting in a peak performance of about 9 clock cycles per cosine for most CPU architectures. Sines take only 6 clock cycles ideally. The lower precision version can even run at 3 clock cycles per sine... And lets not forget that all input between -pi and pi is valid and the formula is exact at -pi, -pi/2, 0, pi/2 and pi.

So, the conclusion is don't ever again use a Taylor series to approximate a sine or cosine! To add a useful discussion to this article, I'd love to hear if anyone knows good approximations for other transcendental functions like the exponential, logarithm and power functions.




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So let me rephrase that, this idea comes from approximating the cosine & sine functions on an interval [-pi/4,+pi/4] with a bounded error using the Remez algorithm. Then using the range reduced float remainder and a LUT for the outputs cos & sine of the integer quotient, the approximation can be moved to any angular argument.

Its just unique and I thought it could be expanded on to make a more efficient algorithm in terms of a bounded error.

void sincos_fast(float x, float *pS, float *pC){
    float cosOff4LUT[] = { 0x1.000000p+00,  0x1.6A09E6p-01,  0x0.000000p+00, -0x1.6A09E6p-01, -0x1.000000p+00, -0x1.6A09E6p-01,  0x0.000000p+00,  0x1.6A09E6p-01 };

    int     m, ms, mc;
    float   xI, xR, xR2;
    float   c, s, cy, sy;

    // Cody & Waite's range reduction Algorithm, [-pi/4, pi/4]
    xI  = floorf(x * 0x1.45F306p+00 + 0.5);              // This is 4/pi.
    xR  = (x - xI * 0x1.920000p-01) - xI*0x1.FB5444p-13; // This is pi/4 in two parts per C&W.
    m   = (int) xI;
    xR2 = xR*xR;

    // Find cosine & sine index for angle offsets indices
    mc = (  m  ) & 0x7;     // two's complement permits upper modulus for negative numbers =P
    ms = (m + 6) & 0x7;     // phase correction for sine.

    // Find cosine & sine
    cy = cosOff4LUT[mc];     // Load angle offset neighborhood cosine value 
    sy = cosOff4LUT[ms];     // Load angle offset neighborhood sine value 

    c = 0xf.ff79fp-4 + xR2 * (-0x7.e58e9p-4);               // TOL = 1.2786e-4
    // c = 0xf.ffffdp-4 + xR2 * (-0x7.ffebep-4 + xR2 * 0xa.956a9p-8);  // TOL = 1.7882e-7

    s = xR * (0xf.ffbf7p-4 + xR2 * (-0x2.a41d0cp-4));   // TOL = 4.835251e-6
    // s = xR * (0xf.fffffp-4 + xR2 * (-0x2.aaa65cp-4 + xR2 * 0x2.1ea25p-8));  // TOL = 1.1841e-8

    *pC = c*cy - s*sy;      
    *pS = c*sy + s*cy;

float sqrt_fast(float x){
    union {float f; int i; } X, Y;
    float ScOff;
    uint8_t e;

    X.f = x;
    e = (X.i >> 23);           // f.SFPbits.e;

    if(x <= 0) return(0.0f);

    ScOff = ((e & 1) != 0) ? 1.0f : 0x1.6a09e6p0;  // NOTE: If exp=EVEN, b/c (exp-127) a (EVEN - ODD) := ODD; but a (ODD - ODD) := EVEN!!

    e = ((e + 127) >> 1);                            // NOTE: If exp=ODD,  b/c (exp-127) then flr((exp-127)/2)
    X.i = (X.i & ((1uL << 23) - 1)) | (0x7F << 23);  // Mask mantissa, force exponent to zero.
    Y.i = (((uint32_t) e) << 23);

    // Error grows with square root of the exponent. Unfortunately no work around like inverse square root... :(
    // Y.f *= ScOff * (0x9.5f61ap-4 + X.f*(0x6.a09e68p-4));        // Error = +-1.78e-2 * 2^(flr(log2(x)/2))
    // Y.f *= ScOff * (0x7.2181d8p-4 + X.f*(0xa.05406p-4 + X.f*(-0x1.23a14cp-4)));      // Error = +-7.64e-5 * 2^(flr(log2(x)/2))
    // Y.f *= ScOff * (0x5.f10e7p-4 + X.f*(0xc.8f2p-4 +X.f*(-0x2.e41a4cp-4 + X.f*(0x6.441e6p-8))));     // Error =  8.21e-5 * 2^(flr(log2(x)/2))
    // Y.f *= ScOff * (0x5.32eb88p-4 + X.f*(0xe.abbf5p-4 + X.f*(-0x5.18ee2p-4 + X.f*(0x1.655efp-4 + X.f*(-0x2.b11518p-8)))));   // Error = +-9.92e-6 * 2^(flr(log2(x)/2))
    // Y.f *= ScOff * (0x4.adde5p-4 + X.f*(0x1.08448cp0 + X.f*(-0x7.ae1248p-4 + X.f*(0x3.2cf7a8p-4 + X.f*(-0xc.5c1e2p-8 + X.f*(0x1.4b6dp-8))))));   // Error = +-1.38e-6 * 2^(flr(log2(x)/2))
    // Y.f *= ScOff * (0x4.4a17fp-4 + X.f*(0x1.22d44p0 + X.f*(-0xa.972e8p-4 + X.f*(0x5.dd53fp-4 + X.f*(-0x2.273c08p-4 + X.f*(0x7.466cb8p-8 + X.f*(-0xa.ac00ep-12)))))));    // Error = +-2.9e-7 * 2^(flr(log2(x)/2))
    Y.f *= ScOff * (0x3.fbb3e8p-4 + X.f*(0x1.3b2a3cp0 + X.f*(-0xd.cbb39p-4 + X.f*(0x9.9444ep-4 + X.f*(-0x4.b5ea38p-4 + X.f*(0x1.802f9ep-4 + X.f*(-0x4.6f0adp-8 + X.f*(0x5.c24a28p-12 ))))))));   // Error = +-2.7e-6 * 2^(flr(log2(x)/2))


The longer expressions are longer, slower, but more precise. Polynomials are written per Horner's rule.


This is a sinus implementation that should be quite fast, it works like this:

it has an arithemtical implementation of square rooting complex numbers

from analitical math with complex numbers you know that the angle is halfed when a complex number is square rooted

You can take a complex number whose angle you already know (e.g. i, has angle 90 degrees or PI / 2 radians)

Than by square rooting it you can get complex numbers of form cos (90 / 2^n) + i sin (90 / 2^n)

from analitical math with complex numbers you know that when two numbers multiply their angles add up

you can show the number k (one you get as an argument in sin or cos) as sum of angles 90 / 2^n and then get the resulting values by multiplying those complex numbers you precomputed

result will be in form cos k + i sin k

#define PI 3.14159265
#define complex pair <float, float>

/* this is square root function, uses binary search and halves mantisa */

float sqrt(float a) {

    float b = a;

    int *x = (int*) (&b); // here I get integer pointer to float b which allows me to directly change bits from float reperesentation

    int c = ((*x >> 23) & 255) - 127; // here I get mantisa, that is exponent of 2 (floats are like scientific notation 1.111010101... * 2^n)

    if(c < 0) c = -((-c) >> 1); // ---
                                //   |--> This is for halfing the mantisa
    else c >>= 1;               // ---

    *x &= ~(255 << 23); // here space reserved for mantisa is filled with 0s

    *x |= (c + 127) << 23; // here new mantisa is put in place

    for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) b = (b + a / b) / 2; // here normal square root approximation runs 5 times (I assume even 2 or 3 would be enough)

    return b;

/* this is a square root for complex numbers (I derived it in paper), you'll need it later */

complex croot(complex x) {

    float c = x.first, d = x.second;

    return make_pair(sqrt((c + sqrt(c * c + d * d)) / 2), sqrt((-c + sqrt(c * c + d * d)) / 2) * (d < 0 ? -1 : 1));

/* this is for multiplying complex numbers, you'll also need it later */

complex mul(complex x, complex y) {

    float a = x.first, b = x.second, c = y.first, d = y.second;

    return make_pair(a * c - b * d, a * d + b * c);

/* this function calculates both sinus and cosinus */

complex roots[24];

float angles[24];

void init() {

    complex c = make_pair(-1, 0); // first number is going to be -1

    float alpha = PI; // angle of -1 is PI

    for(int i = 0; i < 24; i++) {

        roots[i] = c; // save current c

        angles[i] = alpha; // save current angle

        c = croot(c); // root c

        alpha *= 0.5; // halve alpha

complex cosin(float k) {

    complex r = make_pair(1, 0); // at start 1

    for(int i = 0; i < 24; i++) {

        if(k >= angles[i]) { // if current k is bigger than angle of c

            k -= angles[i]; // reduce k by that number

            r = mul(r, roots[i]); // multiply the result by c

    return r; // here you'll have a complex number equal to cos k + i sin k.

float sin(float k) {

    return cosin(k).second;

float cos(float k) {

    return cosin(k).first;

Now if you still find it slow you can reduce number of iterations in function cosin (note that the precision will be reduced)


An approximation for the sine function that preserves the derivatives at multiples of 90 degrees is given by this formula. The derivation is similar to Bhaskara I's sine approximation formula, but the constraints are to set the values and derivatives at 0, 90, and 180 degrees to that of the sine function. You can use this if you need the function to be smooth everywhere.

#define PI 3.141592653589793

double fast_sin(double x) {
    x /= 2 * PI;
    x -= (int) x;

    if (x <= 0.5) {
        double t = 2 * x * (2 * x - 1);
        return (PI * t) / ((PI - 4) * t - 1);
    else {
        double t = 2 * (1 - x) * (1 - 2 * x);
        return -(PI * t) / ((PI - 4) * t - 1);

double fast_cos(double x) {
    return fast_sin(x + 0.5 * PI);

As for its speed, it at least outperforms the std::sin() function by an average of 0.3 microseconds per call. And the maximum absolute error is 0.0051.


I've not tested how fast this is, but I find it interesting nonetheless.

For x in [0,1], combining a zero degree Taylor approximation of sqrt((2-x)/3) with Hardy's (1959) approximation for cosine gives an okay approximation:

cos(x*pi/2) = 1 - x^2 / (0.81649658 + 0.183503 x)

where the coefficients in the denominator come from sqrt(2/3) and 1 - sqrt(2/3).

If you're willing to stretch to a first degree approximation of the square root then you get a really good approximation

cos(x*pi/2) = 1 - x^2 / (0.816497 - 0.0206207 x + 0.204124 x^2)

where the coefficients in the denomator are sqrt(2/3), 1-sqrt(2/3)-1/(2sqrt(6)) and 1/(2sqrt(6)).

And so on...


Just use the FPU with inline x86 for Wintel apps. The direct CPU sqrt function is reportedly still beating any other algorithms in speed. My custom x86 Math library code is for standard MSVC++ 2005 and forward. You need separate float/double versions if you want more precision which I covered. Sometimes the compiler's "__inline" strategy goes bad, so to be safe, you can remove it. With experience, you can switch to macros to totally avoid a function call each time.

extern __inline float  __fastcall fs_sin(float x);
extern __inline double __fastcall fs_Sin(double x);
extern __inline float  __fastcall fs_cos(float x);
extern __inline double __fastcall fs_Cos(double x);
extern __inline float  __fastcall fs_atan(float x);
extern __inline double __fastcall fs_Atan(double x);
extern __inline float  __fastcall fs_sqrt(float x);
extern __inline double __fastcall fs_Sqrt(double x);
extern __inline float  __fastcall fs_log(float x);
extern __inline double __fastcall fs_Log(double x);

extern __inline float __fastcall fs_sqrt(float x) { __asm {
FLD x  ;// Load/Push input value

extern __inline double __fastcall fs_Sqrt(double x) { __asm {
FLD x  ;// Load/Push input value

extern __inline float __fastcall fs_sin(float x) { __asm {
FLD x  ;// Load/Push input value

extern __inline double __fastcall fs_Sin(double x) { __asm {
FLD x  ;// Load/Push input value

extern __inline float __fastcall fs_cos(float x) { __asm {
FLD x  ;// Load/Push input value

extern __inline double __fastcall fs_Cos(double x) { __asm {
FLD x  ;// Load/Push input value

extern __inline float __fastcall fs_tan(float x) { __asm {
FLD x  ;// Load/Push input value

extern __inline double __fastcall fs_Tan(double x) { __asm {
FLD x  ;// Load/Push input value

extern __inline float __fastcall fs_log(float x) { __asm {
FSTP ST(1) ;// Pop1, Pop2 occurs on return

extern __inline double __fastcall fs_Log(double x) { __asm {
FSTP ST(1) ;// Pop1, Pop2 occurs on return

Here's a possible speedup which depends highly on your application. (Your program may not be able to use this at all, but I post it here because it might.) I'm also just posting the math here, the code is up to you.

For my application, I needed to calculate the sines and cosines for every angle step (dA) around a full circle.

This made it so I could take advantage of some trig identities:

cos(-A) = cos(A)

sin(-A) = -sin(A)

This made it so I only needed to calculate sin and cos for one half of the circle.

I also setup pointers to my output arrays and this also sped up my calculations. I'm not sure of this, but I believe that my compiler vectorized my calculations.

A third was to use:

sin(A+dA) = sin(a)*cos(dA) + cos(a)*sin(dA)

cos(a+dA) = cos(a)*cos(dA) - sin(a)*sin(dA)

That made it so I only needed to actually calculate the sin and cos of one angle - the rest were calculated with two multiplies and an addition each. (This goes with the caveat that the roundoff errors in the calculations of sin(dA) and cos(dA) could accumulate by the time you get half way around the circle. Once again, your application is everything if you use this.)


Over 100000000 test, milianw answer is 2 time slower than std::cos implementation. However, you can manage to run it faster by doing the following steps:

->use float

->don't use floor but static_cast

->don't use abs but ternary conditional

->use #define constant for division

->use macro to avoid function call

// 1 / (2 * PI)
#define FPII 0.159154943091895
//PI / 2
#define PI2 1.570796326794896619

#define _cos(x)         x *= FPII;\
                        x -= .25f + static_cast<int>(x + .25f) - 1;\
                        x *= 16.f * ((x >= 0 ? x : -x) - .5f);
#define _sin(x)         x -= PI2; _cos(x);

Over 100000000 call to std::cos and _cos(x), std::cos run on ~14s vs ~3s for _cos(x) (a little bit more for _sin(x))