Is there a way to make a schedule agent that runs on the specific dates and information that the user entered in a profile document?
Two Scenarios:
A: The field being used from the profile document has the properties "Can have multiple values" activated. I would like the agent to run whatever the values are inside that field. The field contains the specific dates.
B: There are multiple fields like "Schedule: "Daily" or "Once a month" and the likes" which is almost the same as when you create the schedule for the agent that would be used by the agent as the properties for scheduling and running the agent.
This is possible by always running a scheduled agent and checking the data from the profile document then just check if the agent should continue or not but is there another way which would be better than the one mentioned earlier since it required the agent to always run most of the time. I would like to create the setup of the agent based on profile document.
Thanks a lot in advance.