I have a model Declaration which has many Costs:
class Declaration < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :costs
accepts_nested_attributes_for :costs
class Cost < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :declaration
I want a form where I have 10 cost lines for a declaration, so in the Declaration controller I have the follwing, with the permit params for strong parameters:
def new
@declaration = Declaration.new
@costs = Array.new(10) { @declaration.costs.build }
def create
@declaration = Declaration.new(declaration_params)
if @declaration.save
redirect_to user_declarations_path, notice: I18n.t('.declaration.message_create')
render action: "new"
def declaration_params
params.require(:declaration).permit(:approval_date, :submit_date, :status, :user_id, :declaration_number,
costs_attributes: [:id, :description, :amount_foreign, :rate, :amount, :cost_date, :projectuser_id])
And there is the form of course, so when I submit the form I see this in the log:
Started POST "/users/3/declarations" for at 2013-09-05 19:12:38 +0200
Processing by DeclarationsController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"mhaznOuBy/zj7LA/nIpDTy7X2u5UrR+0jleJsFid/JU=", "declaration"=>{"user_id"=>"3", "cost"=>{"cost_date(3i)"=>"", "cost_date(2i)"=>"", "cost_date(1i)"=>"", "projectuser_id"=>"", "description"=>"", "amount_foreign"=>"", "rate"=>"", "amount"=>""}}, "commit"=>"Opslaan", "user_id"=>"3"}
User Load (0.7ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = 3 ORDER BY "users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
Unpermitted parameters: cost
So why do I get an unpermitted parameter cost
Update: declaration form added below:
- if can? :create, Declaration
= form_for [current_user, @declaration] do |f|
= f.hidden_field :user_id, value: current_user.id
%i{ class: "icon-coffee icon-large" }
= I18n.t('.declaration.add_title')
- if can? :create, Declaration
= link_to I18n.t('.general.cancel'), user_declarations_path(current_user), class: 'btn'
= f.submit(class: 'btn', value: I18n.t('.general.save'))
= render "layouts/error_messages", target: @declaration
= render "form", f: f
And the rendered form:
%th= I18n.t('.cost.cost_date')
%th= I18n.t('.cost.project')
%th= I18n.t('.cost.description')
%th= I18n.t('.cost.amount_foreign')
%th= I18n.t('.cost.rate')
%th= I18n.t('.cost.amount')
- @costs.each do |cost|
= f.fields_for cost, html: { class: "form-inline"} do |c|
%td{ "data-title" => "#{I18n.t('.cost.cost_date')}" }= c.date_select :cost_date, { include_blank: true, default: nil }
%td{ "data-title" => "#{I18n.t('.cost.project')}" }= c.collection_select :projectuser_id, @projectusers, :id, :full_name, include_blank: true
%td{ "data-title" => "#{I18n.t('.cost.description')}" }= c.text_field :description, class: "input-large"
%td{ "data-title" => "#{I18n.t('.cost.amount_foreign')}" }= c.text_field :amount_foreign, class: "input-small", type: :number, step: "any"
%td{ "data-title" => "#{I18n.t('.cost.rate')}" }= c.text_field :rate, class: "input-small", type: :number, step: "any"
%td{ "data-title" => "#{I18n.t('.cost.amount')}" }= c.text_field :amount, class: "input-small", type: :number, step: "any"
With permit! I get this error message:
Started POST "/users/3/declarations" for at 2013-09-09 09:29:44 +0200
Processing by DeclarationsController#create as HTML
Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"jQwy7psQwixneWF8DezrR/Wo5VKU/dpfz+sosiatm9c=", "declaration"=>{"user_id"=>"3", "cost"=>{"cost_date(3i)"=>"", "cost_date(2i)"=>"", "cost_date(1i)"=>"", "projectuser_id"=>"", "description"=>"", "amount_foreign"=>"", "rate"=>"", "amount"=>""}}, "commit"=>"Opslaan", "user_id"=>"3"}
User Load (0.6ms) SELECT "users".* FROM "users" WHERE "users"."id" = 3 ORDER BY "users"."id" ASC LIMIT 1
Completed 500 Internal Server Error in 6ms
ArgumentError - wrong number of arguments (6 for 0):
app/controllers/declarations_controller.rb:70:in `declaration_params'
app/controllers/declarations_controller.rb:21:in `create'
to see what happens? I haven't researched the.permit!
method to feel it is secure enough to use in production, but it will highlight if something is wonky in Rails singular/plural i.e. cost vs costs... – Beartech"cost"=>{"cost_date(3i)"=>"", "cost_date(2i)"=>"", "cost_date(1i)"=>""
from the form? It is recognizing cost_date(1i) as :cost_date parameter? – Beartech