I have a sparse matrix D, and I want to multiply D_transpose and D to get L as follows:
L = D'*D;
I am using sparseBLAS to deal with sparse matrices, but the documentation says there's nothing to multiply two sparse matrices.
I am completely stuck and have no idea how to proceed.
The dimensions of D are typically around 500,000 by 250,000. I cannot assign that much memory at all, so it just has to be done using sparse matrices.
I did this using MATLAB, and I don't understand how MATLAB does it if it also uses sparseBLAS underneath the interface - or does it? If not, what does it use? I could use that too.
Thank you for reading!
EDIT: Solved. I needed the L matrix to multiply with a vector. So instead of first calculating L, I simply did D'*(D*x), thus avoiding the need for multiplication of two sparse matrices. I now only do sparse matrix and dense vector multiplicatin, which is supported by sparseBLAS.