How can I use the second row in an Excel (xls & xlsx) as the column headers when reading it in through ADODB.Connection???
- The Excel is from a client
- The Excel cannot be altered prior to being uploaded to an ASP page
- The first row is the TITLE of the Excel report (which I want to ignore)
Current solution (Code is at the end):
- Client uploads Excel
- Create backup copy as "original"
- Open and Read first 2 rows of Excel
- Overwrite row 1 with values from row 2
- The first 2 rows are now identical
- Close and Re-Open Excel
- Select everything except values that equal name of column names -e.g. Select column1, column2, column3... from [Sheet1$] where ucase(column1) <> 'COLUMN1'
- Read Excel and Print HTML
Possible ideas that I can't figure out:
- Assign a "Named Range" to the second row
- Delete the first row (doesn't look possible with ADO and Excel)
- Change Header Row to Row 2 with HeaderRowRange.Address in VBA
- Instead of creating copy in current solution, read everything from Row 2 and below, then save to a new Excel
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' 1. Client uploads Excel
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
xlsfolder = "D:\website\excels\"
filename = request("filename_from_asp_upload_form")
xlsfile = xlsfolder & filename
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' 2. Create backup copy as "original"
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
dim fscopy
set fscopy=Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
exceltypelower = fscopy.GetExtensionName(xlsfile)
replace_text = "_BACKUP." & exceltypelower
xlsfile_copy = replace(xlsfile, ("." & exceltypelower), replace_text)
fscopy.CopyFile xlsfile,xlsfile_copy
set fscopy=nothing
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if exceltype = "XLS" then
exceldriver = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & xlsfile & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;"""
elseif exceltype = "XLSX" then
exceldriver = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & xlsfile & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=1"""
exceldriver2 = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" & xlsfile & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;HDR=No;"""
'*** Second driver allows first row to be read as data and not header allowing Excel cells to be overwritten
'**** default to 97-2003 format. ELSE just in case
exceldriver = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & xlsfile & ";Extended Properties=""Excel 8.0;"""
end if
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' 3. Open and Read first 2 rows of Excel
' 4. Overwrite row 1 with values from row 2
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' NOTE: There is another step at UPLOAD that the user flags what kind of Excel Report it is.
' Since there are just a few now, I have the skip_title variable hard-coded
' IF SKIP_TITLE = "Y"... that means the column headers are on row 2
' IF SKIP_TITLE = "N"... that means the column headers are on row 1 and this is unnecessary
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
if skip_title = "Y" then
excel_query2 = "Select * from [Sheet1$] "
Const adOpenStatic = 3
Const adLockOptimistic = 3
Const adUseClient = 3
Set objConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set objRecordset = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
objConn.Open (exceldriver2)
objRecordset.CursorLocation = adUseClient
objRecordset.Open excel_query2 , objConn, adOpenStatic, adLockOptimistic
counter = 1
headcount = 0
colcount = objRecordSet.Fields.Count ' How many columns there are to traverse
p = objRecordSet.GetRows(colcount,0) ' Write excel_query2 results for number of columns above
do until objRecordSet.EOF or counter = 0
for each x in objRecordSet.Fields
objRecordSet.Fields(headcount).Value = p(headcount, 1) 'overwrite row 1 with row 2
headcount = headcount + 1
counter = counter - 1
end if
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' 5. The first 2 rows are now identical
' 6. Close and Re-Open Excel
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
set objConnection = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
objConnection.Open (exceldriver)
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' 7. Select everything except values that equal name of column names
' -e.g. Select column1, column2, column3... from [Sheet1$] where ucase(column1) <> 'COLUMN1'
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
excel_query = "Select column1, column2, column3... from [Sheet1$] where ucase(column1) <> 'COLUMN1' " 'example
set objRS = objConnection.execute(excel_query)
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' 8. Read Excel and Print HTML
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
response.write "<table><thead><tr>"
for each x in objRS.Fields
response.write("<th>" & ucase( & "</th>")
response.write "</tr></thead>"
response.write "<tbody>"
do until objRS.EOF
response.write "<tr>"
for each fld in objRS.Fields
response.write "<td>" & fld.value & "</td>"
response.write "</tr>"
response.write "</tbody></table>"
' ---------------------------------------------------------------------
' Le Fin or Da End
select count(*)
from the sheet to determine the number of rows, thenselect * ... where false
to get the number of columns. Once you have those you can determine the range you need to read from, and use that explicitly (eg)select from [Sheet1$A2:E500]
– Tim Williamsselect * from [Sheet1$] where state='Florida' order by state
instead of having to doselect * from [Sheet1$] where F3='Florida' order by F3
. So to avoid having to write the values from Row 2 into Row 1. – SeaBass