I am getting an object using Ext.component.Query. I need to check whether the object exists or not. If object exists, I need to remove the object. Can anybody tell me how to do this?
As other posters have mentioned, the method you're looking for is Ext.ComponentQuery
, which returns an array which you can then check the length of via length
, which will in turn tell you if the object exists or not. If the object exists, it can be destroyed via the destroy()
method of the Ext.AbstractComponent
I have made a jsFiddle example demonstrating what you're trying to do here: http://jsfiddle.net/mPYPw/
Code from the fiddle:
Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
name : 'myPanel',
title: 'Panel 1',
width: 200,
html: '<b>Its a panel!</b>',
renderTo: Ext.getBody()
Ext.create('Ext.panel.Panel', {
name : 'myPanel',
title: 'Panel 2',
width: 200,
html: 'Look, another panel!',
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
dockedItems: [{
xtype: 'toolbar',
dock : 'bottom',
items: [{
text: 'Destroy all panels!',
handler: function(){
// Here we can query for the panels
var panels = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('panel[name=myPanel]'),
trees = Ext.ComponentQuery.query('treepanel');
// @param {Ext.panel.Panel[]} panels Array of panel components
if(panels.length > 0){
alert("About to destroy " + panels.length + " Panels!");
Ext.each(panels, function(panel){
// There are no tree panels
alert("There are no tree panels to destroy!");