I have two sets of 2D points, separated from each other by a line in the plane. I'd like to efficiently find the pair of points, consisting of one point from each set, with the minimum distance between them. There's a really convenient looking paper by Radu Litiu, Closest Pair for Two Separated Sets of Points, but it uses an L1 (Manhattan) distance metric instead of Euclidean distance.
Does anyone know of a similar algorithm which works with Euclidean distance?
I can just about see an extension of the standard divide & conquer closest pair algorithm -- divide the two sets by a median line perpendicular to the original splitting line, recurse on the two sides, then look for a closer pair consisting of one point from each side of the median. If the minimal distance from the recursive step is d, then the companion for a point on one side of the median must lie within a box of dimensions 2d*d. But unlike with the original algorithm, I can't see any way to bound the number of points within that box, so the algorithm as a whole just becomes O(m*n).
Any ideas?