I've been attempting to get camel to route using the RabbitMQComponent releases in the 2.12.1-SNAPSHOT. In doing so, I've been able to consume easily, but have ad issues when routing to another queues.
CamelContext context = new DefaultCamelContext(); context.addComponent("rabbit-mq", factoryComponent()); from("rabbit-mq://localhost/test.exchange&queue=test.queue&username=guest&password=guest&autoDelete=false&durable=true") .log("${in.body}") .to("rabbit-mq://localhost/out.queue&routingKey=out.queue&durable=true&autoAck=false&autoDelete=false&username=guest&password=guest") .end();
In this, I've verified that there the specified exchanges are configured with the appropriate routing keys. I've noted that I'm able to consume in volume, but not able to produce to the out.queue.
The following are the only reference to the RabbitMQProducer that would process the message.
09:10:28,119 DEBUG RabbitMQProducer[main]: - Starting producer: Producer[rabbit-mq://localhost/out.queue?autoAck=false&autoDelete=false&durable=true&password=xxxxxx&routingKey=out.queue&username=guest] 09:10:48,238 DEBUG RabbitMQProducer[Camel (camel-1) thread #11 - ShutdownTask]: - Stopping producer: Producer[rabbit-mq://localhost/out.queue?autoAck=false&autoDelete=false&durable=true&password=xxxxxx&routingKey=out.queue&username=guest]
I've spent time looking into the Camel unit tests for the RabbitMQ component, but I've seen nothing of extremely valuable use. Has anyone been able to get this to work?