Recently I decided to look closer at the payload bytes of the tcpdump file format i.e. pcap, and I realized they don't make sense. These are collected on OS/X.
They absolutely always begin with 00 00.
Payload lengths are often around 39 bytes, 310 bytes, 1500 bytes.
Looking at the bytes, they often begin with 00 00 19 00 6f 08 00 00, or with 00 00 24 00 0b 00 0c 00.
They don't appear to begin with an Ethernet frame, an IP preamble, a UDP header, a TCP header, or any other expected data. When I search for my IPv4 MAC address within the data I often find it, but not always. Same with the IPv6 address. When I search for my IP address within the data, same deal.
Many of the packets seem to involve searching for or getting information about other Wifi networks.
Much of it seems to be operations to identify the (many) Wifi routers around me, but the format of that data is unknown to me.
Can anyone point me to a technical explanation of the payload bytes? Thanks.
I should also add that tcpdump itself has trouble reading these pcap files, which are generated on OS/X. The command to generate them is
/usr/sbin/tcpdump -s 0 -w output.pcap -vv -In -i en1
and the following command, which others recommended, does not properly dump them:
tcpdump -qns 0 -X -r output.pcap | less
In fact it generates lines that mention "tsft 1.0 Mb/s 2452 MHz 11g -78dB signal -91dB noise antenna 0 Beacon".