to make the thing clear:
i have data that looks like this:
0, , ,1,2
1, , ,2,3
2, 1, ,4,5
3, 1, ,4,6
4, 1,1,4,7
5, 1,2,5,8
6, 1,4,6,7
multiple columns with missing values (only at the begin of the file). now i want to plot, column 2,3,and 5 but the plots should start at the point where all the sets i want to plot have data.
so if my xrange is [0:10] only from 4:6 should be plotted if i plot 2,3,5. If i plot 2,4,5 then from 2:6 should be plotted. is there some possibility to test if a value exists?
i allready tried something like
plot \
"file.txt" using 1:($2 + ($3*0) + ($5*0)) with lines, \
"file.txt" using 1:($3 + ($2*0) + ($5*0)) with lines, \
"file.txt" using 1:($5 + ($3*0) + ($2*0)) with lines, \
because i hoped if the data of one element to use is not present then gnuplot will ignore the whole line.
Somebody an idea?