
I've been looking for a repeatable countdown timer for joomla 3.x for quite a while now. By repeatable, I mean that I can set the day of the week, and the timer just does its thing. Let's say that I have an event every Saturday. I need the module or plugin to display the timer with time left. Once time's up, it counts down until the next Saturday. If the extension is 2.5, but it works with 3.x, I'll still use it.


Have a look at the Countdown category on JED. If there is nothing there that suits your needs, you might need to look into developing your own module.Lodder
@Lodder. Thanks for the reply. I've searched through these before, but none seems to offer the option to repeat.NothinRandom

1 Answers


I found myself in the very same situation and none of the published modules on the JED did the trick. So I created a very basic module that will do just this: it uses a DateInterval, so you can write "next thursday at 3:30 pm" and it will parse it!


It ships with two views (one full which shows all available fields, one for days only), it's plain-text no fancy graphics. I used it in a module position inlined in an article.