
I need to calculate the total hours and minutes between two dates mentioned in excel. i.e.,

Start date: 02-Sep-2013 02:03:00 AM
End Date: 04-Sep-2013 02:04:00 AM

The answer should be 48:01 h:mm.
Need to consider holidays also, like if 03-Sep-2013 is holiday, then The answer should be 24:01 h:mm.
There are no business hours. It should consider 24 hours. Please help me on this.

Have a look at NETWORKDAYS functionchris neilsen

2 Answers


a simple subtraction will get you the value you want: subtract one date/time from the other, and then subtract the number of holiday dates that fall between the two dates.

the trick is to format the result cell as [h]:mm (this format works for up to 9999 hours)

Here's an example:
enter image description here

Hours = ((End_Date+End_Time)-(Start_Date+Start_Time))*24

For more details please refer the below link


Another Formula with example

Cell A1: 2/15/2012  10:00:00 AM

Cell B1: 2/18/2012  08:00:00 PM

What is the elapsed time between both dates (in hours)?

You can get the answer by using the below formula in cell

    C1:= INT(B1-A1)*24+(((B1-A1)-INT(B1-A1))/0.04166666)