
RubyGems 1.2+ index not found for:

RubyGems will revert to legacy indexes degrading performance. Bulk updating Gem source index for: http://gems.rubyforge.org/

1) I have reinstalled ruby and ruby gems from source

2) possible solutions that have not worked

a) try adding different sources to gem sources

b) updating gems, It's not out of date gems because I also installed 1.3.5 from source.

  • I cannot do gem install, gem update... all that gets returned is the above error.
Could you paste the full error you're getting? gist.github.com Also, try tacking -V onto it, it'll show which URLs aren't working.qrush
samuelgilman~/sites/lessthancontainer$ sudo gem install -y rails INFO: gem install -y is now default and will be removed INFO: use --ignore-dependencies to install only the gems you list WARNING: RubyGems 1.2+ index not found for: RubyGems will revert to legacy indexes degrading performance. Bulk updating Gem source index for: gems.rubyforge.org ERROR: While executing gem ... (NoMethodError) undefined method `gems' for #<Array:0x14008fc>thenengah
btw, is this the same as question #1855021?MattMcKnight
Paste the whole error at gist.github.com please, this area is horrible for error dumps. Also, what does your gem -v say?qrush

7 Answers


I was getting this same error with: - REMOTE SOURCES: - http://gemcutter.org - http://rubygems.org - http://gems.github.com - http://gems.rubyonrails.org - http://gems.rubyforge.org

I removed the last two from my .gemrc and it fixed the problem. It seems that it was gems.rubyonrails.org causing the problem.


Remove http://gems.rubyonrails.org from gem sources

gem sources -r http://gems.rubyonrails.org

You may need to delete one of your source_cache files. If you run:

gem env

That will show you your GEM PATHS. The bad source cache is in one of those. After that add github and gemcutter back in- just in case!


I live in China. I just tried to gem install and gem update from my pc and I got the same error. So i postulate the error is something to do with the great firewall


Just got this error trying to install i18n using gem. It turns out that my company firewall blocks traffic with Content-Type of binary/octet-stream. Asking the network admin to temporarily let those through worked for me.


If you are in China, make sure you have a VPN, or there will be some networking problem because of the Great Firewall.