I have problems create in my backbone app link with two ids from json. Before I had in template simply variable id. My link was .../tables/
after click to table .../table:id/
But in table is next menu and I need after click to this menu ids from both array, like .../table:id/menu:id
there will be showed category view....
My First Tables template
<script type="text/template" id="table-template">
<% _.each(tables, function(table) { %>
<li class="tableli" data-table_id="<%= table.get('id') %>">
<div class="obrazok"></div>
<%= table.get('name') %>
<% }); %>
First Tables view
var TablesView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize:function () {
tagName: "ul",
events: {
"click li.tableli" : "openMenuItem"
openMenuItem: function(e){
currentLink = $(e.currentTarget);
tableId = currentLink.data('table_id');
app.navigate("table" + tableId + "/menus", true);
console.log("table/" + tableId + "/menus");
render:function () {
var that = this;
var tables = new Tables();
success: function (tables) {
var template = _.template($('#table-template').html(), {tables: tables.models});
Ok After click to one of li I wanna have link like ...table:id/
and open only menus view
My menus view:
<script type="text/template" id="menu-template">
<% _.each(menus, function(menu) { %>
<li class="menucls" data-menu_id="<%= menu.get('id') %>">
<%= menu.get('name') %>
<% }); %>
Menu View:
var MenusView = Backbone.View.extend({
initialize:function () {
tagName: "ul",
events: {
"click li.menucls" : "openMenuItem"
openMenuItem: function(e){
currentLink = $(e.currentTarget);
menuId = currentLink.data('menu_id');
tableId = currentLink.parent().data('table_id');
app.navigate("table" + tableId + "/menu" + menuId + "/", true);
console.log("menuId: " + menuId );
console.log("tableId: " + tableId );
render:function () {
var that = this;
var menus = new Menus();
success: function (menus) {
var template = _.template($('#menu-template').html(), {menus: menus.models});
And there is my goal .... After click I need link like .../table:id/menu:id/
There is my json and collections....
{"name": "Table 1","stts": "redstts","id": 1},
{"name": "Table 2","stts": "redstts","id": 2},
{"name": "Table 3","stts": "redstts","id": 3},
{"name": "Table 4","stts": "redstts","id": 4},
{"name": "Table 5","stts": "redstts","id": 5}
{"name": "Menu 2","id": 1},
{"name": "Menu 2","id": 2}
var Table = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {"name": "Table unahmed"}
var Tables = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: 'api/tables.json',
model: Table
var Menu = Backbone.Model.extend({
defaults: {"name": "Menu unahmed"}
var Menus = Backbone.Collection.extend({
url: 'api/menus.json',
model: Menu
My main js
var AppRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({
routes: {
"" : "tables",
"orders" : "orders",
"tables" : "tables",
"table:id/menus" : "menus",
"products" : "products",
"table:id/menu:id/" : "categories"
initialize: function () {
this.headerView = new HeaderView();
tables: function () {
if (!this.TablesView) {
this.TablesView = new TablesView();
menus: function () {
if (!this.MenusView) {
this.MenusView = new MenusView();
categories: function (tableId, menuId) {
if (!this.CategoriesView) {
this.CategoriesView = new CategoriesView();
products: function () {
if (!this.ProductsView) {
this.ProductsView = new ProductsView();
utils.loadTemplate(['HeaderView'], function() {
app = new AppRouter();
I still try to make function event bud without results... events is function but in link is
I'm very grateful for every answer. Regards Makromat !!!