I am trying to store a date field from a PFObject into my date type attribute of a Core Data entity.
coreDataObject.createdAt = [object createdAt];
This is the error XCode is returning : property = "updatedAt"; desired type = NSDate; given type = __NSCFString;
Before doing this I was storing the date as a string and parsing that [object createdAt] and everything was working fine, but now it doesn't recognize it as a NSDate.
I've tried casting in but nothing seems to work.
Any idea?
Note, it's this simple:
NSDate *teste = oneParseRow.createdAt;
NSLog(@"teste is %@", ttt);
Note that:
[oneParseRow objectForKey:@"createdAt"];
or anything similar, simply does not work, in any way. You just have to use .createdAt.