I was wondering if anyone could help me out. I recently installed Liferay 6.1.2 on our JBoss 7.2.0. No problems with setting up the environment. Documentation was really helpful. But now I'm not making any progress with deploying themes and portlets.
Control Panel > Server > Plugin Installations is not providing any upload functions. Only lists of portlets, themes ans templates respectivly and a hint that Liferay marketplace will take over some day.
Letting the JBoss take care of the deployments doesn't work either. This would be my favored solution, but portlet deployments failed because some liferay classes are missing. Tried to deploy a theme afterwards, which didn't result in errors, but this theme was not available for pages in Liferay. Is letting the JBoss take care of the deployments an option anyway? After all portlets cannot run outside of a portal-environment.
My last try so far was using an auto deploy directory. But since our JBoss is running in domain mode instead of standalone, it seems this is not an option. JBoss log states that the deployment-scanner subsystem can only be installed in standalone mode, not in domain mode.
Has anyone extirienced similar problems and can provide a solution or some helpful tips? Or maybe there is an other solution that I haven't tought of so far. Anyway, I looking forward to hearing from you ;-) Thanks in advance.
Regards Sebastian