As mentioned by mhaupt, it is faster to load a collection rather than each category in a loop. But, as far as I am concerned, there is no need to manually load the child categories. Basically this is what $category->getChildrenCategories()
already does.
There is also a filter to get active categories only. Just call addIsActiveFilter()
on the collection.
a.) Load active child categories via getChildren()
// 1. Get a list of all child category ids (e.g "12,23,11,42")
$subcategoryIds = $category->getChildren();
// 2. Create collection
$categoryCollection = Mage::getModel('catalog/category')->getCollection();
// 3. Add all attributes to select, otherwise you can not
// access things like $cat->getName() etc.
// 4. Filter by ids
// 5. Add filter to collection to get active categories only
b.) Load active child categories with getChildrenCategories()
// 1. Load collection
$categoryCollection= $category->getChildrenCategories();
// 2. Add filter to collection to get active categories only
The collection will be loaded form the database as soon as it is accessed. If the collection is not loaded and $subcategories->count()
is called only a "SELECT count(*)" will be fired against the database (in contrast to count($subcategories)
which will force the collection to load itself).
Iterating the collection
foreach($categoryCollection as $category) {
echo $category->getName();
If you add more filters to the collection after accessing it, the collection will not load itself again automatically. To apply changes to the collection, just call $categoryCollection->load()
to reload the collection from the database.