So I've been following this tutorial on AS3 and Flash. Its been going well until, note I have tried to contact the writer of the tutorial and had no reply. Here's what it tells me to do;
Right-click PlayScreen in the library, select Properties, and check Export for ActionScript. This time, instead of accepting the default value, enter the name of your document class. Click OK.
So it pops up an error, first we’ll have to make a new document class, since no two different objects can share the same class. Cancel the Properties box.
Hit File > New and select ActionScript File. Enter the (by now familiar) code.
Save this in the Classes directory as (There’ll be no confusing the purpose of this file!) Now, back in your FLA, change the document class to DocumentClass.
Check everything’s fine by clicking that pencil icon — if it’s all OK, that should bring up the AS file that you just created.
// So this bits all fine, its the next that i'm stuck with:
Now you can set the PlayScreen‘s class to AvoiderGame. So do so!
// So I go ahead into the properties and change the name but then it pops up with the same error as before: 'Please enter a unique class name that is not associated with other library symbols'
What does this mean!? How do I resolve this!?
Full tutorial here:Flash Tutorial