
I'm trying to configure Jenkins (running on Windows Server 2008) to connect to a GitLab 6.0 repository (on a linux box).

From my local windows box I can use the SSH URLs to clone the projects on my GitLab server. I've had some issues using the HTTP URLs, but I did manage to connect using HTTP with authentication using the Eclipse plugin.

Failed to connect to repository :

Command "d:\tools\Git\bin\git.exe ls-remote -h http://myserver.domain/mygroup/myproject.git HEAD"

returned status code 128:

stdout: stderr: error: The requested URL returned error: 504 while accessing


fatal: HTTP request failed

When I try this URL in a browser I get an authentication popup. If I enter my email & password I can successfully download the list of branches & tags.


http://username:[email protected]/mygroup/myproject.git/info/refs not valid: is this a git repository?

  • The Windows GUIs didn't have any trouble using SSH.
    ...Jenkins doesn't seem to like that much though:

    [email protected]:mygroup/myproject.git

    The error "Please enter Git repository" still remains, and when I attempt to save the config I see the following stack trace:

    Exception: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to instantiate class hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM from 
       {"url":"[email protected]:mygroup/myproject.git",
     "browser":{"stapler- class":"hudson.plugins.git.browser.FisheyeGitRepositoryBrowser"}
    java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to instantiate class hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM from {...}
    at org.kohsuke.stapler.Stapler.tryInvoke(Stapler.java:725)
    Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to instantiate class hudson.plugins.git.GitSCM from {...}
      at hudson.model.Descriptor.newInstance(Descriptor.java:617)
    Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
      at hudson.scm.RepositoryBrowser.normalizeToEndWithSlash(RepositoryBrowser.java:85)
      at hudson.plugins.git.browser.FisheyeGitRepositoryBrowser.<init>(FisheyeGitRepositoryBrowser.java:37)
  • I tried adding the "ssh" protocol:

    ssh://[email protected]:mygroup/myproject.git

Jenkins immediately reacts:

stderr: ssh: myserver.domain:mygroup: no address associated with name

fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.

Maybe Jenkins doesn't support the scp syntax (with ':') Try ssh://[email protected]/mygroup/myproject.gitVonC
Thanks VonC - could you please submit this as an answer?Nicholas Albion

1 Answers


As I commented:

Maybe Jenkins doesn't support the scp syntax (with ':') Try

 ssh://[email protected]/mygroup/myproject.git

As mentioned in ".ssh config with amazon ec2 and git", using ':' usually involves a ~/.ssh/config file, which resolves the string preceding the ':' into a server, user, port and ssh key.

Jenkins might understand better [email protected]/mygroup/myproject.git instead of [email protected]:mygroup/myproject.git.