Note: I'm sorry if this is an extremely simple question but I'm somewhat obsessive compulsive over the formatting of my code.
I have a class that has a function that returns a string that will make up the body text of an email. I want this text formatted so it looks right in the email, but also so it doesn't make my code look funky. Here's what I mean:
class Something
public function getEmailText($vars)
$text = 'Hello ' . $vars->name . ",
The second line starts two lines below.
I also don't want any spaces before the new line, so it's butted up against the left side of the screen.";
return $text;
but it could also be written as:
public function getEmailText($vars)
$text = "Hello {$vars->name},\n\rThe second line starts two lines below.\n\rI also don't want any spaces before the new line, so it's butted up against the left side of the screen.";
return $text;
but what's the deal with new lines and carriage returns? What's the difference? Is \n\n
the equivalent of \r\r
or \n\r
? Which should I use when I'm creating a line gap between lines?
Then there's the option of output buffering and heredoc syntax.
How do you deal with using long multiline strings in your objects?