i read this post to send Unicode sms message but i want to know how to read utf8 messages?
Sending Unicode Messages (such as in Persian and Arabic) in C# using AT Commands through GSM Modem
i send this command but recieved message text is something like:
+CMGL: 1,"REC READ","97563937625","","2013/08/28 00:53:30+18"
my commands to read sms:
ExecCommand(port,"AT", 300, "No phone connected");
ExecCommand(port,"AT+CSCS=\"UCS2\"\n", 300, "No phone connected");
ExecCommand(port,"AT+CMGF=1", 300, "Failed to set message format.");
ExecCommand(port,"AT+CPMS=\"MT\"", 300, "Failed to select message storage.");
string input = ExecCommand(port, "AT+CMGL=\"ALL\"", 5000, "Failed to read the messages.");