I have a ListView with a View Model. The ItemsSource is a collection of objects in the View Model. A property exists on the View Model for some flag, IsFlagOn. I want to set that property in the View Model to True when the ListViewItem detects a IsMouseOver. Other UI elements are then bound to this same property so that the view changes as MouseOver is toggled.
How would I accomplish this in XAML?
I would imagine something like this (but this breaks):
<Style> <!-- on the ListViewItem -->
<Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True">
<Setter Property="DataContext.IsFlagOn" Value="True" />
The error is
Cannot resolve the Style Property 'IsFlagOn'. Verify that the owning type is the Style's TargetType, or use Class.Property syntax to specify the Property.
Here's a bit more of the existing XAML (following). You can see that the ListView is bound with a property of the VM, AllItems
. Important to note that each item in the list is a VM, where each column is bound. So is the ItemContainerStyle binding against the ListView VM or the Item VM?
<ListView Itemssource="{Binding AllItems}">
<Style> <!-- on the ListViewItem -->
<Trigger Property="IsMouseOver" Value="True">
<Setter Property="DataContext.IsFlagOn" Value="True" />
<!-- ... -->
but this breaks
with what exception? IsIsFlagOn
a dependency property? – PoweredByOrangeINotifyPropertyChanged
, soIsFlagOn
is not a dependency property. – Mike Caron