I'm working with Adaptive Payments using PayPal SDK for .Net. I'm trying to use SetPaymentOptions method to set the items I wish to display in the Payment Summary section, however, when I redirect the site to the sandbox approval page using the pay key I received from the Pay method, the payment summary only shows one row that says "faciliator account's Test Store" and the total amount.
The response returns a success code, plus I see that other parameters, such as BuisnessName (in DisplayOptions) are showing up on the page.
Following is the code I'm trying to execute (the parameters are replaced by real values that map to actual accounts, urls, amounts, etc.). Can anybody tell me what I'm doing wrong?
AdaptivePaymentsService service = new AdaptivePaymentsService();
RequestEnvelope envelopeRequest = new RequestEnvelope();
envelopeRequest.errorLanguage = "en_US";
List<Receiver> listReceiver = new List<Receiver>();
Receiver receive = new Receiver((decimal)300.15);
receive.email = "[email protected]";
ReceiverList listOfReceivers = new ReceiverList(listReceiver);
PayRequest reqPay = new PayRequest(envelopeRequest, "CREATE", "url",
"USD", listOfReceivers, "url");
reqPay.sender = new SenderIdentifier();
reqPay.sender.email = "[email protected]";
PayResponse responsePay = service.Pay(reqPay);
if (responsePay != null && responsePay.responseEnvelope.ack.ToString().Trim().ToUpper().Equals("SUCCESS"))
SetPaymentOptionsRequest payOptionsReq = new SetPaymentOptionsRequest();
payOptionsReq.displayOptions = new DisplayOptions()
businessName = "My business name"
payOptionsReq.payKey = responsePay.payKey;
payOptionsReq.requestEnvelope = envelopeRequest;
payOptionsReq.receiverOptions = new List<ReceiverOptions>()
new ReceiverOptions()
receiver = new ReceiverIdentifier()
email = "[email protected]"
description = "invoice test",
invoiceData = new InvoiceData()
item = new List<InvoiceItem>()
new InvoiceItem()
identifier = "1",
itemCount = 2,
itemPrice = (decimal)100.0,
name = "test",
price = (decimal)150.0
new InvoiceItem()
identifier = "2",
itemCount = 1,
itemPrice = (decimal)100.0,
name = "test2",
price = (decimal)150.15
totalShipping = 0,
totalTax = 0
SetPaymentOptionsResponse r = service.SetPaymentOptions(payOptionsReq);
// ....