I'm currently developing a video chat application using the opentok WebRTC javascript API. The application is linking user A and B in a 1-on-1 video chat. A and B both have their own session of which they are the moderator (sessionId is generated on login and stored in a database). At first user A and B are only publishing to their own session and are not subscribed to any other session. Then a "start" command is send to both users (using socket.io), triggering user A to subscribe to the session of user B and vice versa. Then instead of displaying each others stream (which worked perfectly a few weeks ago), the subscribing video window now remains black (in 3-4 out of 5 cases) and eventually a 1013 peerconnection error is triggered. Has anyone seen the same behaviour (it got very bad since the release of WebRTC, about 2 weeks ago)? I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with any firewall settings since it worked perfectly before and the opentok diagnostic tool doesn't show any issues.
Something strange I noticed: if for example one or both users only start publishing (by giving access to their webcam) to their own session after they had subscribed to each others session I never get the 1013 error and everything runs smoothly (using the exact same sessionID's).
If this is something that can't be avoided, is there a proper way to recover from these errors? I tried unsubscribing - resubscribing but that doesn't work. Any ideas?