I have an vba macro that should (after updating some values from an online xml) save one sheet to a CSV file. This works, but if I open the CSV file, I see this:
CHF,Swiss Franc,1.2352,,,
CNY,Yuan Renminbi,8.1803,,,
GBP,Pound Sterling,0.8585,,,
HKD,Hong Kong Dollar,10.3617,,,
SGD,Singapore Dollar,1.7097,,,
USD,US Dollar,1.3361,,,
So the problem is that three empty colomns and two empty rows are also saved. I know this raises no problems after opening the CSV file in Excel, but in the program I import it, it does.
I did some research and found that this probably has to do with the UsedRange. But i could find no way to set the usedRange to a new value, or only save a small part of the sheet.
I probably can copy the range I want, open a new workbook, paste this range and save this to a file, but this seems a bit harder than it should be. And it does not guarantee that my UsedRange in this new workbook is not also to big.
Does anyone know how to set the usedrange or do the things I want another way? I am an absolute VBA amateur, so if I did strange things, thats the reason.
The rest of my code works fine, so the problem is only in the extra comma's in the saved file.
My VBA code is below:
Sub updateCurrencies()
' updateCurrencies Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+e
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim file As String
file = "\\SBS2008\RedirectedFolders\jasper\Desktop\currencies.csv"
Set ws = Sheets("currencies")
ws.SaveAs file, FileFormat:=6
Set wb = Workbooks.Open(file)
Call CloseAllWorkbooks
End Sub
Public Sub CloseAllWorkbooks()
Dim wb As Workbook
For Each wb In Workbooks
If (wb.Name = "currencies") Then
wb.Close True
wb.Close False ' Or True if you want changes saved
End If
Next wb
End Sub