
How can I access ember component's controller from another controller? Is there a backdoor way like __container__.lookup just to know that there is this instance of component? When I tried __container__.lookup with "component:<myComponentname>" it gave me an instance of component which is not being used anywhere in the application.

How to test Ember Component objects?

Dirty hack which I'm following as of now... is I'm getting the id of the div containing the container and accessing its instance from Ember.View.views["ember_id_"]G Sree Teja Simha
So you basically want to access a controller from another controller? Is that right?mavilein
A specific component instance's controller not any other normal controller.G Sree Teja Simha

1 Answers


These lines of ember-inspector reveal how to get a "view registry," a mapping of DOM element ids to their respective Ember.Component instance in Ember 2.x, or Ember.View instance in 1.x.

viewRegistry: computed('application', function() {
  return this.get('application.__container__').lookup('-view-registry:main') || View.views;

So if you have an Ember component in your DOM like

<span id="ember1234">Hi I'm controlled by Ember</span>

you can look it up like

var viewRegistry = application.__container__.lookup('-view-registry:main') || View.views;
var myComponentInstance = viewRegistry.ember1234;