I am getting the following error : Unable to find matching navigation case with from-view-id '/index.xhtml' for action '#{medcontroller.getMedGeneric}' with outcome 'javax.faces.model.ListDataModel@7a652236'
I am new to jsf and I'm really clueless about solving this error. I have a ManagedBean with the following code:
@ManagedBean(name = "medcontroller")
public class MedController implements Serializable {
int startId;
String gName;
int endId;
DataModel medNames;
//DataModel medGeneric;
MedicineHelper helper;
private int recordCount = 1000;
private int pageSize = 10;
private Medicine current;
private int selectedItemIndex;
public MedController() {
helper = new MedicineHelper();
startId = 1;
endId = 10;
public MedController(int startId, int endId) {
helper = new MedicineHelper();
this.startId = startId;
this.endId = endId;
public Medicine getSelected() {
if (current == null) {
current = new Medicine();
selectedItemIndex = -1;
return current;
public DataModel getMedNames() {
if (medNames == null) {
medNames = new ListDataModel(helper.getMedNames(startId, endId));
return medNames;
public String getgName()
return gName;
public void setgName(String gName)
this.gName = gName;
public DataModel getMedGeneric() {
if (medNames == null) {
medNames= new ListDataModel(helper.getMedGeneric(gName));
return medNames;
void recreateModel() {
medNames = null;
public boolean isHasNextPage() {
if (endId + pageSize <= recordCount) {
return true;
return false;
public boolean isHasPreviousPage() {
if (startId-pageSize > 0) {
return true;
return false;
public String next() {
startId = endId+1;
endId = endId + pageSize;
return "index";
public String previous() {
startId = startId - pageSize;
endId = endId - pageSize;
return "index";
public int getPageSize() {
return pageSize;
public String prepareView(){
current = (Medicine) getMedNames().getRowData();
return "browse";
public String prepareList(){
return "index";
And here is my JSF file
<ui:define name="body">
<h:form styleClass="jsfcrud_list_form">
<h:commandLink action="#{medcontroller.previous}" value="Previous #{medcontroller.pageSize}" rendered="#{medcontroller.hasPreviousPage}"/>
<h:commandLink action="#{medcontroller.next}" value="Next #{medcontroller.pageSize}" rendered="#{medcontroller.hasNextPage}"/>
<h:dataTable value="#{medcontroller.medNames}" var="item" border="1" cellpadding="15" cellspacing="10" rowClasses="jsfcrud_odd_row,jsfcrud_even_row" rules="all" style="border:solid 1px">
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="BrandName"/>
<h:outputText value="#{item.brandName}"/>
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value="Generic"/>
<h:outputText value="#{item.generic}"/>
<f:facet name="header">
<h:outputText value=" "/>
<h:commandLink action="#{medcontroller.prepareView}" value="View"/>
<h:inputText value="#{medcontroller.gName}" />
<h:commandButton value="Submit" action="#{medcontroller.getMedGeneric}" />
Please help me solve the error. Also, I do not have a faces-config.xml file. I am using netbeans ide 7.1.2 web application with jsf and hibernate framework.
Thank you in advance.
prefix. It is very generic for getters only. You don't "get" something from a database, if it is not a backing bean properry. JSF can maybe see that otherwise. Better usefetchMedGeneric()
, including the braces. – Roland@ManagedBean
which is deprecated JSF 2.0. – Roland