
I recently upgraded my Win 8 development box and my CentOS 6 deployment environment to Tomcat 7.0.42. Started getting the "INFO: At least one JAR was scanned for TLDs yet contained no TLDs ..." message. According to other SO questions, the course of action is to enable FINE logging in Tomcat's logging.properties to figure out which JARs are the problem.

I have tried to no avail. No matter what I do, I can't get Tomcat to pay any attention to any changes I make to ${TOMCAT_HOME)/conf/logging.properties. I have uncommented org.apache.jasper.compiler.TldLocationsCache.level = FINE and changed org.apache.catalina.core.ContainerBase.[Catalina].[localhost].level to FINE. I have set 1catalina.org.apache.juli.FileHandler.prefix to "catalinaish", and even deleted logging.properties altogether. None of these actions have changed what is logged to catalina.out. On either Win 8 or CentOS 6.

I know it's operator error, but I'm not sure what my error is. On the Win 8 box, the behaviour is altered regardless of whether I start Tomcat using "Monitor Tomcat", or whether I use my ant script:

    <java classname="org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap" failonerror="true" fork="true">
        <classpath path="${env.TOMCAT_HOME}/bin/bootstrap.jar:${env.TOMCAT_HOME}/bin/tomcat-juli.jar" />
        <jvmarg value="-Djava.util.logging.manager=org.apache.juli.ClassLoaderLogManager" />
        <jvmarg value="-Djava.util.logging.config.file=${env.TOMCAT_HOME}/conf/logging.properties" />
        <jvmarg value="-Dcatalina.home=${env.TOMCAT_HOME}" />
        <jvmarg value="-Dcatalina.base=${env.TOMCAT_HOME}" />
        <jvmarg value="-Djava.io.tmpdir=${env.TOMCAT_HOME}/temp" />
        <!-- Set the required command line arguments -->
        <arg line="start" />

1 Answers


More information is needed like how you are starting tomcat? Are you using the ${CATALINA_HOME}/bin/startup.sh in CentOS6? Are you sure you are looking for logs at the same location where *FileHandler.directory properties in logging.properties point to? You want to check if CATALINA_BASE environment variable is being set somewhere. It's better to output the environment variable CATALINA_BASE and the value of the java system property catalina.base. You also want to check whether something is being set in ${CATALINA_HOME}/bin/setenv.sh