
I'm trying to add custom template to my Wordpress theme, which would be static "About" page template. I create about.php file in my twentytwelve folder and put inside content like:

<?php get_header(); ?>

blah blah page content

<?php get_footer(); ?> 

When I open this file in browser, I get error "Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_header() in *site_folder_name*\wp-content\themes\twentytwelve\about.php on line 2".

How can I fix this issue?

do it the proper way? Wordpress doesnt know about your file, therefore there are no require statements, and therefore your php doesnt know those functionsSoundz
You don't want to open the file in the browser directly, you still want to go through Wordpress to open the resource.Pekka
So, how can I make wordpress recognize my page?user2713518

2 Answers


I think you should start from the very minimum wordpress template so that you get the hang of it.

There is a very good tutorial available on this:


The problem you are experiencing, I think, is because you are working by editting an existing template with all of it's own additional code.


First Add a tamplate name in top of your page code:

 * Template Name: About Page

And so in the wordpress dashboard: pages -> your page -> click on quick edit and choose About Page template as your page template.

Read more about Page Templates in wordpress codex: http://codex.wordpress.org/Page_Templates