On my site, I am displaying multiple blog entries on one page. I would like to give the users the option to comment below every entry, but django-disqus
is giving me a hard time.
In my html template, I am rotating through the blog entry items and want to display the comment option by disqus
{% load disqus_tags %}
{% disqus_dev %}
{% for entry in blog %}
<div class="span5">
<p>{{ entry.text }}</p>
{% set_disqus_identifier "entry_" entry.id %}
{% disqus_recent_comments shortname 5 50 0 24 %}
{% endfor %}
However, Django is complaining with an error that
Exception Type: AttributeError
Exception Value: 'list' object has no attribute 'var'
How can I display a dedicated comment field by Disqus
for every blog entry?